Chapter 24 - Battle part 1

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An: Here is chapter 24 I hope you enjoy this will be a minimum of three parts for the battle.
Harry P.O.V.
Today we were training and preparing to bring war to Dumbledore and James Potter. I stood over the cauldron stirring the bubbling liquid. I pulled out the Lily Potter and James Potter hair. I scooped some of the potion into two vials. Putting James hair in one and Lily's in the other. Putting a stopper on them I smiled. I grabbed the bottle beside me that was filled with blood. I drank it all I need to drink a lot more as I haven't been drinking a lot due to James kidnapping me and now I need to get my strength up to be able to defeat them. I brewed the draught of living dead mixing the asphodel and an infusion of wormwood. I grabbed my arrows charming them so when I dipped them in the potion it will stick. After I finished charming the potion to the arrows. I took my daggers and charmed them with the poison from a venomous tentacula. I put on my favourite outfit black leather pants that had a dagger sheath on the right ankle and another on the right thigh. I wore my black combat boots along with a black long sleeve shirt. I hooked a dagger sheath to the waistband of my pants slipping my third dagger in it. I threw on my black long sleeve flexible leather top, slipping my wand into its holder on my left sleeve. I put the arrows into the quiver putting it over my shoulder and grabbing my handmade bow. I had carved the bow and arrows myself pure black arrows with a silver arrow head the bow was also pure black. I heard a noise behind me I grabbed my dagger from my waist turning and throwing it beside the persons head.
"You missed Harry" George said.
"Nope because if I had hit him he would have died and excruciating painful death" I said smirking at Draco and George.
They looked at me confused before Tom spoke up.
"He extracted the venom from the venomous tentacula and charmed them to the daggers" he said.
"Wait seriously"Draco said
"Yeah I had it in my potion supply closet I allowed him to access it as we are going to war" Tom said.
"I have the venom on my daggers and the draught of the living dead on my arrows I also have been working on the poly juice potion for us Draco" I said.
"Great" he said smiling. We made our way to the training room along with Toxin, Fang, Savage, Venom, Echo, and Grim.
I grabbed a sword and practiced with Grim. Ducking, covering, skidding and jumping to avoid his attacks. I slid knocking him to his knees and holding the sword to his throat.
"Don't attack so much Grim you will wear your self out faster if you do" he nodded and went to practice with the virtual simulator. I made my way over to Toxin and Echo. I adjusted Toxin's hold on the bow and I helped Echo aim her throwing knife. I moved to Savage and helped her with her spell work. She was working on new spells for the battle. I showed her different wand movements. I checked on George and Draco as they made potions with Fang and Venom. I made my way out the training room and back upstairs.
"Harry" I looked up at Tom.
"Are you ok with what you have to do" he asked concern evident on his face.
"Yes Dumbledore has ruined mine, Draco, George and our children's lives enough" I said. A dark smiling edging onto my face.
There was a sharp knock on the door.
"Were you expecting anyone dad" I said looking at Tom.
"No I wasn't" he said pulling out his wand and walking to the front door.
There standing on the porch was Lily Potter.
"What do you want Potter" I snarled.
"Harry I have come to apologize to you and Rose my husband has changed he is not the man I married I can't stand what he has done to my children" she said tears streaming down her face. She collapsed to the ground begging for mine and Rose's forgiveness.
"Stand up mom of course I forgive you, you didn't hurt me like James did and I hope you will be able to forgive me for leaving when I was a child" I said.
"Harry I am glad you and Rose left you would have been miserable if you had stayed I was hurt but I wasn't able to follow you your father and Dumbledore cast a spell that prevented me from going after you" she said. I heard the pattering of feet and Severus appeared with his daughter Lily and Lyra. Lyra ran jumping into my arms.
"What are you doing here Severus" I asked.
"The alarms were triggered telling me Lily Potter was here" he said.
"Oh Harry is this Lyra" Lily asked.
"Yes would you like to meet her" Lily nodded a tear sliding down.
"Lyra this is Grandma" I said.
She buried her head in the crook of my neck making me laugh.
"She is a bit shy" I said.
I got a good look at my mother flinching when I saw the scars on her the scars I left after using septumspectra on her.
"I am sorry for hurting you mom" I said. She touched her scars.
"No Harry I am sorry I hurt you and I allowed myself to be controlled by my husband and Dumbledore. The entire time I was caring for Draconis I told him his real name and not James jr as his father called him I told him who he really was and who is parents really were. Remus did the same with Severus jr. we hated what my husband had turned into from Dumbledore's wicked ways. I also need to tell you something Harry that only a few know about." A little girl and boy stepped out from behind Lily. They appeared to be around two years old.
"Harry this is your brother and sister Avaline Meredith Evans-Lupin and Damien Remus Evans-Lupin"she said.
I put Lyra down crouching in front of the two children.
"The girl had emerald green eyes and Remus's brown hair the boy had red hair and Remus's brown eyes"
"You had children with Remus" I asked.
"Yes I am Remus's mate always have been but I was forced to be with James before I had you, Charlie and Alex I was already pregnant with Remus's child but I was forced to have an abortion and then forced to marry James" she said. I nodded I knew that Dumbledore and James were going to pay and they wouldn't just be killed no I was going to make it the most painful death they will feel. Lily picked up Lyra hugging her.
"What the hell are you doing put my daughter down" i turned seeing Draco and George.
"It's ok guys" I said.
Lily flinched seeing George.
"Harry I need to tell you something" she said. I nodded looking at her.
"It's about Fred" I saw George's fists clench but they loosened as Draco touched his shoulder.
"Fred wasn't killed by a death eater he was killed by Dumbledore" she said. "He wanted to get rid of your mates Harry so you would be more cooperative" she continued. I felt my magic flare and a wave of it rolled off me sending everyone near me flying. Draco wrapped me into a hug.
"It's ok Harry he will pay for it" he said. I knew he would I would make sure of it.

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