Chapter 23

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Harry P.O.V.
I stared at the brick wall in front of me. Rose's screams filling the room. I shook the louder and longer she screamed.
Then she stopped and I knew it was my turn to get beat by the man that called him our father.
"Harry you know everyone is looking for you but they won't ever find you" he smirked. He took off his belt and started whipping me.
I held back the screams for as long as I could. He beat me for like an hour.
I looked up at the wall coughing blood. The sun was setting telling me I have been here for two weeks already. The light glinted of something. I grabbed it and noticed it was a piece of James belt that must have broke off. I started to saw it to a point using the concrete floor. Once I got that done I felt along the cuffs to find the hole when the door swung open and James came back.
Warning mentions rape and incest
He grabbed Rose and pulled her pants off.
"S-stop" I said.
"Shut up" James yelled hitting me in the head with a pipe.
My vision swam and I fell to the ground the world going black as our father raped Rose.
When I woke again it was dark.
"Harry" I looked and Rose was sitting up surrounded by blood her clothes torn beside her.
"R-Rose" I said tears in my eyes.
"Don't worry about me Harry focus on unlocking your cuffs" she said.
I squeezed the piece of metal in my hand.
I managed to unlock them then I did my feet. I crawled to Rose unlocking her's. We used the wall to stand up and I took off my shirt putting it over Rose's head. It hung down to her ankles which I was happy about.
We supported each other making our way out the door. We entered a long dimly lit hallway. We made our way down and upstairs. We entered a living room collapsing to the ground.
"Oh my god" my vision swam. I looked up into the eyes of my mother.
"Oh Harry, Rose" she cried wrapping Rose in a blanket setting her on the couch doing the same with me. She made some hot chocolate handing one to me one to Rose and one for herself.
"What happened" she asked. My vision spun going black. The cup fell from my hands and I collapsed onto the floor the world going back.
George P.O.V.
I paced the living room it has been two weeks since Harry dissapeared and I could feel our mate bond weakening to the point where I couldn't sense him. His disappearance was upsetting Neko, Boo, Lyra, Minnie, Scorp, DD, and Draco. They were hurting and the kids didn't know where Mama was it was especially hurting Boo as he was glued to Harry's side he was definitely a Mama's boy. I tucked my babies into bed and like every night for the past two weeks they asked the same thing will we see Mama in the morning and like every night I answer I don't know baby.
After they were in bed and asleep, I apparated to Potter Manor deciding to check there. I don't know why we never checked here in the first place. I noticed a glamoured wall at the bottom of the house from the slight shimmer it gave off. I pulled out a potion Fred and I had created years ago to remove glamours on objects. When I dumped the potion on it a window appeared with bars. The smell of blood, sweat and bodily fluids filled my nose. I apparated into the room and looked around. There were chains on the floor and walls. Around them was blood and fluid. I could smell my mate all over the room along with Rose and James.
I growled James Potter took my mate. I jumped up and made my way to the door following the scent of my mate. It got stronger the farther I went down the hallway. I made my way upstairs and entered the living room to Potter Manor. I saw my mate drop his cup before falling to the ground. Lily Potter moves to him but I got there faster allowing my canines to extend. I bit my arm holding it to Harry's mouth allowing the blood to seep into it. A minute later his arms shot to mine gripping it and drinking. Once I was sure he had enough I removed my arm. He looked up at me "George" he said I nodded and he grabbed me hugging me before smashing his lips to mine. I jumped at the sound of Rose's voice.
"Thank god you are here George" she said giving me a small smile. I smelled James all over her. I ripped the blanket off seeing the blood pooling at her legs and she was in Harry's shirt. I growled before ripping away from Harry collapsing to the ground. My clothes tore as I shifted. I jumped across the couch. Running through the house coming to Lily and James room. The door fell to the ground sending James scrambling out of bed. I growled at him my lips coming up into a snarl.
"Why Hello George" he said.
I shifted back growling at him.
"You raped her" I moved to him. He took a step back.
"I don't know what you are talking about" he said.
"You do your smell is all over her giving off pleasure while hers is fear"I growled.
"Well you can do nothing about it" he said before apparating away. My fist went into the wall.
"I am so sorry I didn't know he did let alone they were down there" I turned to Lily nodding before making my way back to Harry and Rose.

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