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Day 7
My last day. Dad's coming to pick me up at 11.
I think this whole thing did me some good.
Sorry for fucking the journal.
- Sal Fisher.

Today was a very sunny day. Everyone seemed happy in my eyes.

Even Reece.

Breakfast was pratically a miracle. We sat at our table and I smiled as Reece ate his entire bowl of oatmeal and washed it down with milk.

"Reece," I said, "you're doing really good."

He glanced up at me with the spoon hanging out his mouth and smiled a sweet, happy smile.

"Thank you, Sally."

Kinsley even gave him her toast. He ate half of it, but gave out before he could finish.

"I feel like its too much." He murmured, hand on his stomach.

Kinsley's voice was sweet when she spoke, "It's okay.." she tapped the bowl that previously held his oats, "Look at you, Reecey!"

His smile was bright, contagious too.
I sat in my room, staring at the drawstring bag with my clothes in it. I got my shoelaces and hair ties back, so my hair was back up in pigtails and i didnt have to worry about my shoes flying off.

My hands had a hard time staying still as I watched the digital clock above my door. 10:43.



God damn... time couldn't possibly get any fucking slower.

I groaned and layed back on the bare mattress. Louise already had me strip the bed of the sheets and pillows and hand them in for washing for the next patient.


I shot up to see Baxter holding the door open with a smile.

"Is he here?" I asked, standing up.

He nodded, "Come on, kiddo."

My feet could barely keep up with me as I stumbled to grab my bag and hurried out the door of my room. Passing by the common area, I waved goodbye to Kinsley and Reece. They smiled with a thumbs up, wishing me luck back out in the real world.

I've never been so excited to see my dad, I threw my arms around him and hugged him tight. He reeked of beer, but I didn't care.

He chuckled and hugged me back, "Hey Sally.." he said into the top of my head.

Baxter pressed the button that unlocked the door for us to leave, "Good luck, Sal!" He called out with a wave, "We'll miss you, but don't come back!"

I waved to him and gave him a thumbs up as the door slammed shut.
The air outside of the fence feels much cleaner. Addison apartments never looked so beautiful.

The ride up the elevator was something I had no idea I missed until I was pressing the sticky button labeled 4.

My room looked exactly the same as I left it. Clothes in a pile at the end of my bed, all my glass eyes on their tray.

Gizmo on my bed.

"Gizmo!" I exclaimed as I tossed my shit to the floor.

The excited kitty pranced over to me and leaped into my arms. His purring brought a smile to my face as I snuggle my feline friend for the first time in forever.


"It's alright Giz. I'm back." I rubbed on the fat cat for a moment more before releasing him back onto the floor.

I yanked open my nightstand drawer and stared solemnly at the walkie talkie, before snatching it from its long resting place.

"Larryface!" I said into the device, holding on the button.

Several seconds of silence passed before I was greeted by a loving voice.

"Sally face!"

I giggled, pushing away the sadness in my stomach, "I'm home."

His laughter resonated over the speaker, "I guess so, huh? Come see me!"

I paused for a moment, my thumb hovering over the button.

"Okay," I finally said, hesitantly, "I'm on my way."

I shoved the walkie talkie back into the drawer and stood up, dusting my hands on my jeans.

Maybe all I needed was to see him.
I decided to knock since I hadn't been there in a while.

The door opened up to a smiling Lisa, "Sal, hello, mi hijo." She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a hug.

Her boney body was comforting, she was very warm.

"Hey, Lisa.." I said into the hug.

Finally, she released me.

"Larry is in his room.." she had a concerned luster hidden behind the smile she displayed.

Cautiously, I pushed open the door to Larry's room, finding him in a hunch at the end of his bed.

"Hey.." I said softly.

Larry's head perked up as he turned and realized it was me at his door. His gloomy expression turned bright as a smile took over his face.

"Sal.." he stood up, sticking his hands in his pockets.

I smiled at him, the pain in my stomach demanded to be let out, but I hated to ruin the moment. He seemed happy.

He took a step towards me with his arms out and began to envelop me in his embrace.

"STOP!" I shouted out, tensing up.

My eyes were shut tight, but when I opened them, Larry was taking a step back and lowering his arms.

His eyes looked glossy and the smile was wiped clean.

"Sorry." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"No," he nodded, "it's okay. I understand." His smile resurfaced, although this time is was accompanied with sad eyes.

How is he still managing to break my heart? Why did I feel so bad for him?

He did me dirty, not the other way around. I don't know if I trust him yet.

"I'm sorry, Sal." He said softly, sitting on the edge of his bed.

I didnt answer, I only say a few spaces away from him.

Maybe I needed more time.

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