Short Story

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So this chapter wont be part of this story its just something I wrote for a competition on Amino, and I really like it and wanted to share it with you guys. I'm gonna put that story down below, so read that please I worked hard on it. P.S. I find it sad, because its centered around death and loss.


Rein sat on her bed in her new home. She recently got her own apartment in London. She was reading a magazine about decorating, when she received a text from her mother. It said Rei, would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow night? she quickly typed back Yes! What time, and what can I bring? a few minutes passed before her mother texted back 7 pm, and can you make potatoes? If you cant just bring whatever you want! Rein smiled. She said potatoes are doable, but can I make a dessert as well? No, sorry I am making dessert. Eclairs! mmmhhhmmmmm tasty! Rein replied. After that they went back and forth about random things such as decorating, boys, magic, and gossip. At about 12 they said bye.

Rein went and made some food for lunch, she ate hastily and thought Ill go out, I have so much time to kill. She walked down the street to a clothing shop. She shopped around for a bit until she couldnt hold all the clothes in her hands. She payed for her clothing and walked out of the store with 3 bags full of clothes. She began walking home when it got quite chilly. She stopped put her bags down and shuffled through them until she found the soft blue sweater. She put it on, and continued home.

Once home she put her clothes away and checked the clock it read 4:02 she made eggs and ate them while watching television. At about 5:30 Draco knocked on the door. She opened the door. Brother! she exclaimed pulling him into a tight hug. ReiRei! he hugged her back. She moved out of the way and Draco walked into her new apartment. Howd you find me? I havent sent out address change cards yet. Rein asked. Your mother, I was over dear Bellas earlier when she told me. I brought something special as well! Draco said walking to the window and looked out to his car. He took his wand out and summoned a gift box from his car. He turned back to Rein and handed her the box. Open it! he said sitting on the couch. Rein followed him to the couch and opened the box. There was microwave popcorn, 2 movie disks, coffee beans, and sour patch kids. Rein was in awe. These were all her favorite things. She looked up and exclaimed Thank you so much Drakes! he hugged her and she squeezed him.

After that they just hung out until 8, when they put one of the movies Draco bought Rein. It was called Friday. They ate popcorn and drank coffee during the movie. At the end of the movie, Draco had to go home. Rein thanked him once more and walked him to the door. He said goodbye but Rein said Bye Falicia! it was her and Dracos favorite line from the movie. He laughed and went home.

Rein quickly cleaned up and went to bed. She woke up at 9am. She went and searched through her pretty much empty fridge and decided she was going out for breakfast. She walked to a donut shop nearby. For the rest of the day she just hung around and decorated her apartment. She had plenty of time to waste, once 4 hit she took out her diary.


Today Im going to mums, I cant wait. I just feel bad now that Ive moved out. She doesnt have anyone at home all the time anymore. I mean Drakes and I will go over a lot obvi, but still. At least Im going over tonight. I love her so much and I dont know what Id do without her.



Bellatrix (Reins mom) POV (her home)

Bellatrix smiled as she put the turkey in the oven. She set the timer and sat on the couch. She thought about how much time she has till she died. She thought about how she wasted so much time waiting to get older as a child. She let a tear slip from her eye thinking about when she lost her mother. She didnt want to have Rein feel the pain of losing her mother, but she couldnt stop it once the time came.

She walked over to the counter to unplug her phone from the charger when her foot got caught on the edge of the couch. She shrieked. Her body hit the floor with a bang and a cry for help. Her head hit the floor hard. She felt warmth spread slowly on her scalp. That warmth was blood. She reached for her wand in her robes with all the strength she could find. It wasnt in her robes, it was on the floor about 5 feet away from her. She began to cry, she thought about Rein. Her head stopped feeling warm and began to feel cold. The rest of her body got cold too. To Bellatrix this all seemed to happen in seconds but in reality, it was 10 minutes. The loss of blood made her get dizzy and blink a lot. Until, her eyes finally closed for good. The tears that had come from her eyes seconds ago were drying on her face.

Bellatrix saw black until she got even colder, she opened her eyes. She was standing at the door of 12 Grimmauld Place. She was confused but she went and wrenched the door open. She looked around and went in. She went to the kitchen feeling the nice warm air on her. She saw her mother, her cousins Sirius, and Regulus, and many more people that she hadnt seen since their passing. She realized she was dead as she hugged her family for the first time in a while.

40 minutes later Draco knocked on the door of Bellatrixs home without a response. He got worried after 10 minutes. He blasted the door open with a spell. Draco walked to the living room and he saw Bellatrixs blue body lay on the floor. Tears fell from his eyes as he tried to heal her and nothing worked. He called 911, and left as soon as they arrived.

He sped his car to Reins apartment. She opened the door excited. Hello bro- she stopped mid-sentence when she saw his swollen eyes. What is it? she was scared. He walked into her apartment, hugged her and cried into her shoulder for a minute or so. He looked up and said wiping the tears away. Your mum, she she shes dead...! Rein stopped breathing and tears began rushing from her eyes. She balled her eyes out, also screaming in pain. Draco hugged her crying as well. Rein still hadnt taken a breath. No! No! NO! She c-cant be d-d-dead! Rein cried harder then she thought humanly possible. She felt cold all over, she felt as though she was going to collapse to the ground if Draco let go of her. Shes gone! Draco cried with Rein.

Rein Malfoy Black (kid of Bellatrix Black and Lucius Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now