"The Amulets Chose Us." (Part 1)

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Jim crept up to a pile of rubble. It was a huge pile, with stony hands and trollish faces scattered.

"Jim." The rubble called again. Jim began to dig amongst the rocks. Something glowing lurked down here, his soul tugging towards the thing and his hands seeming to move by themselves.

There it was. A glowing blue amulet. He picked it up and the pulsating glow flashed in his blue eyes. He looked at it closely.

Toby walked up to him. "What is that, Jimbo?" He asked in awe.

"I don't know." Jim replied, still staring intently at it.


Aja and Krel walked across the bridge that spanned the tall gap above the canals. She glanced down and saws a big pile of rubble and two people looking at something blue and glowy.

Aj stopped and Krel slammed into her. "Why'd you stop?" Krel snapped. "We'll be late for academic prison."

"What do you think that is?" Aja asked, ignoring him. She elbowed Krel in the ribs and pointed down at Jim and Toby.

"Isn't that the guy you like?" Krel asked slyly.

Aja blushed. "No! Not that, what do you think that blue thing is? It doesn't look like Earth technology."

Krel frowned down at it, forgetting his teasing. "I don't know. Should we go check it out?"

"No! Then we'll practically be giving ourselves away." Aja said.

"But if it's a serrator or some other weapon, then they could get themselves hurt. Come on," he said, already turning around and sprinting back across the bridge. "Let's figure out what it is!"

Aja sighed. "Kleb-tastic." She murmured sarcastically as she sprinted after her brother.


Aja slid down beside her brother and followed him as they walked up to the two humans.

Jim glanced up, his blue eyes glowing. "What do you guys want?" He asked, a tiny bit harshly.

Aja winced and said nothing, letting Krel respond.

"What's that you've got there?" He asked suspiciously, peering at it.

"Nothing." Jim said smoothly, stuffing it in his bag. "Come on Tobes, lets get to class."

He and Toby hopped back on their bikes and headed off for school.

"Aja." Something rumbled. Her head whipped around, near-white hair rippling.

"Krel, stop messing around." She glared at her brother.

"What?" He said, looking at her. "I didn't do anything!"

"Then what said my name?" She asked, eyes narrowed.

Krel shrugged, but had a faintly worried expression on his face.

"Aja." There it was again. It was coming from the pile of rocks nearby. Aja walked up to them, Krel behind her. She began to dig, flinging rocks everywhere and causing Krel to duck and dodge.

"Aja, stop throwing rocks at me!" He yelped as one almost knocked him off his feet. But his voice sounded far away as she continued digging. Something glowed deep within, yellowish light shining up through the rocks.

Her pace quickened as she reached her hand in and grabbed the amulet and pulled it out. She turned around, gazing at it, so Krel could see.

He bent over the amulet. "What is that? It doesn't look like Earth technology."

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