: two :

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You sighed deeply after he was done explaining and sat down on the other couch that was there. "It's no surprise there are hybrids being sold at an auction" You said closing your eyes frowning before opening them.

"So, what are you?" You asked him. "A White Tiger" You almost choked on your saliva. The White Tigers were extremely rare for their beauty. You glanced at the male. "What is your name and age?" "Taehyung.. I'm 26" You sighed.. Again. 'What am I going to do?'

"I'm M/n, I'm 27" You said, glancing at Taehyung seeing how he was fiddling with the sleevea of the shirt he was wearing. "You're probably wondering what am I gonna do with you aren't you?" You saw at how he flinched at what you said.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna sell you out or anything" You said as you stood up. "Why are.. You so calm about this?" You heard Taehyung spoke. You shrugged your shoulders "I don't know, maybe it's because you had dirtied my floor with your blood and my clean freak side said to get this clean" You said with a slight grin.

"You can sleep in the guest bedroom" You said signaling Taehyung to follow you until you both made it to the guest bedroom. "Is it f-fine if I sleep on the bed?" You nodded your head. "Yes" You said as you pointed at the door across from the guest bedroom.

"That's my room, so if you need me, just knock" You ruffled your hair and went to go to your room but was stopped when feeling Taehyung grab your shirt, looking back he spoke. "Thank you.. M/n" You wanted to pet his head but held back and just smiled.

"No problem" Taehyung had let go and watched you go in your room, closing the door behind you. Taehyung soon closed the guest bedroom door behind him and made his way towards the bed.

Carefully, he climbed on the bed and tensed but relaxed once feeling how soft the bed was, getting under the covers, he felt warm as a low purr erup from his chest, cuddling his head into the pillows.


Taehyung woke up hearing two voices, one he was familiar with. Getting up out the bed and quietly made his way towards the voices, leading it to the living room.

Peeking his head out from the corner he saw you and another person talking. "But Jin hyung, you're an expert at this, so I need advice duh" He watched silently as you spoke with the unfamiliar male for a few minutes until, "What are we looking at?" Taehyung heard a voice.

"Watching M/n speak—!" Taehyung stumbled backwards landing on his bottom. He looked up and saw another person, looking at their ears and tail he realized that this person was also a hybrid, a bear hybrid.

It smiled at Taehyung and waved. "Hi, I'm Nam—" "B-Bear!" Taehyung quickly scurried away, quickly heading towards you, hiding behind the couch you were sitting on.

You and the other person looked surprised until they saw the bear hybrid walk in frowning. "I didn't mean to scare him, I promise" He spoke, his ears down as he sat next to the other person.

"It's okay Namjoon, we know you don't mean no harm" The male said patting his head. Taehyung peeked out from his 'hiding spot' then looked at you.

"This is Dr. Kim, hes a doctor that takes care of hybrids, and that's Namjoon, a brown bear" You spoke pointing at them. "No need for formalities, just call me Seokjin or Jin" Taehyung nodded his head a little as he glanced at Namjoon.

"You don't have to worry about him hurting you, he can't even hurt a fly, he's too scared of them" You said making Namjoon pout as his face flushed. "H-Hey I thought we a-agreed not to speak about that" Namjoon said.

Taehyung nervously made his way around the couch and sat down by you feeling more safe around you. "Are you.. Going to send me away?" You shook your head. "That's what me and Jin hyung were speaking about, I was thinking of letting you go with Jin hyung to the hospital to recover and also stay there where you are safe at" You said.

"We accept any type of hybrids no matter their background" Seokjin said making Taehyung frown. "But.. I wanna stay with M/n" It was silent between everyone until Seokjin laughed.

"Well then, we have your answer M/n" Seokjin said standing up, knocking you out of your confusion. "Wait! But how am I supposed to take care of someone if I barely know how to take care of myself" You said, but in truth, you've always taken care of yourself and never took care of anyone else so you were nervous.

You glanced at Taehyung, regretting it, you saw his pained face, ears down made you look away. "I-I.. Guess I can try" In a simple way to explain it, you were a sucker for cute things.

Seokjin patted your back. "Don't worry, I'll help you" He said smiling as he pulled out a piece of paper. "I had a feeling he wanted to stay with you so I came prepared with bringing the adoption papers" You didn't know whether you wanted to laugh or slap Seokjin so you just nodded your head.

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