: three :

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After you had signed the papers and Seokjin and Namjoon left, leaving just you and Taehyung you checked the click and realized it was getting close to 10 am. "Hey Taehyung" "Yes master?" You glanced at him before looking away. 'What's with the sudden change of names?'

"I'll be heading to work in a little bit, so.. Will you be okay by yourself here?" You asked waiting for a response for a few seconds. "Yes but.. " "Will you come back?" "I mean yeah, this is where I live" You said with a soft chuckle as you left the living room and head to your room to get ready for work.

Once ready you went to the front door and saw Taehyung standing by it. You smiled at him gently. "I'll be back by 3 or 4" You said as you told him where the snacks were if he was hungry before leaving.


It's been an hour since you have left for work and Taehyung didn't know what to do. You've already fed him something to eat before you left and even showed him the cabinet where you keep the snacks in.

Taehyung wondered around the house, every crook and nanny, except for one place, that being your room. Taehyung wasn't going to lie to himself. He was really curious.

Seeing how nice you treated him yesterday, and how calm you were about to situation about him being a hybrid. He felt at peace. Something in his gut told him to stay with you and, Taehyung was told to always trust his gut.

Without realizing, his footsteps led him to the door of your bedroom. Taehyung began arguing with himself whether or not he should go in.

'It's only been a day since we met, he will surely get mad if I just barge in his room without permission' Taehyung said as a sudden picture of you smiling at him made his tail sway side to side.

Slowly grabbing the door knob, twisting it and pulled it open, he walked in. Your scent that lingered around the room made his whole body relaxed.

Looking around the room he liked how it had (dark/warm/cool/light) colors, it made it feel home-y. Studying every with his eyes, it finally landed on the holy Mother of all, your bed.

Swallowing down his saliva, he made his way to your bed that was neatly made up and crawled up on it. A soft gasp leaving his mouth. The mattress made it feel like as if he were on a cloud.

He laid on the middle of the bed taking in your scent. Changing into his animal form he curled up in a ball and fell asleep. Having a good dream.


"Damn brats" You muttered under your breath as you were finally free from your students since it was your last class of the day. "You shouldn't curse around students, professor L/n" You saw that it was a student you used to teach before until they had got suspended for 2 weeks.

"I see you're back from your vacation" You said leaning back in your chair. The student walked towards you and leaned on the desk. "So, tell me, what did your aunt say about your suspension, Mr. Delinquent?" You chuckled. "Oh my bad, I meant, Min Yoongi"

Yoongi tched softly as he rolled his eyes. "She just bitched about it as usual" He response making you grin. "Should you really be cursing around a teacher?" Yoongi shrugged his shoulders.

"Who cares" Yoongi said making you laugh. "You know I know your aunts number right?" "And yet you haven't called her about me since" "True, it's too much work" You said as you stood up.

"You should go get something to eat kid, I know you skipped out on lunch again" "What about you?" "I'll eat at home" You said grabbing your stuff and left the classroom with Yoongi before separating ways.

Getting in your car, you drove home not knowing an adorable surprise was waiting for you.


Walking inside your home you leaned against the door letting out a soft groan. "Free from hell" You nodded your head in satisfaction. Noticing how quiet it was in the house you made your way to your room.

'He must be asleep' You said in your head, getting close to your room you noticed that the door was slightly open. "Did I forget to close it before I left?" You muttered to yourself.

Entering you instantly noticed something or in this situation someone, onto your bed. A white tiger peacefully sleeping in the middle of your bed. You've never seen one up close, doesn't mean, you want to get up close and touch it. It's called sense of respect along with, sense of not trying to get bit.

You quietly set your things down where they belong, grabbing some clothes and went to freshen up. Once you were done, coming out of the restroom you saw Taehyung in his human form, still wearing the clothes you gave him yesterday. Looking at his face, you could tell he was on the verge of crying.

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