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she yelled, her voice cold as ice, calm yet venomous. My face paled as a cold breeze went down my spine. I felt the cold metal of the knife on my neck. Tears spilled out of my cheeks and down my face. My body shook, my hands trembled.

"Please, I don't know, I've never met him Please, I AM BEGGING YOU!"

I cried, desperately for my life, tears ran down my face so quickly they flood my mouth. I have never, not once, cried for my life. I wasn't supposed to! People were supposed to fear me. I was a king! Now I feel as low as a rat running from a hungry cat.

My eyes were puffy and red, my tears wouldn't stop. I couldn't stop shaking.


She started to push her knife into the arteries in my neck. She pushed the knife so slowly that I could feel it splitting each artery. That was when I saw the blood pooling around me. (I yelled louder and louder). All I could see was a pool of blood. All I could feel, all I could think about was the pain. I fell, face front, on the cold hard concrete, red filled my visions as the last thing I saw before I died was the RED grim reaper. A young girl with a bright blood red cloak, hair as dark as night, beautiful crimson eyes, an expressionless face, a thin slender body. Crimson pooled around me as the pain slowly went away. I closed my eyes. I never opened them again. 

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