chapter 4

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We pulled up to an out use build and seen a guy run through the front door.

"Luka call back-up we're gonna need it," Granny said getting out of the car and making her way to the front door.

After 5 minutes our backup came. Most of our men were already inside the bar getting everything under control I was about to go into when I spot a figure on the rooftop, it's too dark to make out who it is. Granny told us to handcuff anyone that struggled and whoever tried to escape and I wasn't going to let some low ranked criminal get away from me so I grabbed the knife striped to my thigh and decided to throw it to the figure's right shoulder to make them stop for a few minutes so lucky and I could go up and catch him/her. I signaled lucka with a hand signal and right that second he started to Sprint to the rooftop and without another thought I threw the knife.

What happened next was not what I expected, the figure caught the knife in mid-air right between there index and middle finger they moved a little to the edge to see who threw the knife and I could finally see the figure, it was a girl around 17-18 the moonlight glistened on her blood bright red clock she was young really young and she was able to catch the knife I threw.

She spotted me and started to glare at me, her crimson eyes looked so damn cold and vicious she looked like she was about to kill me with that look, that sends a shiver down my spine. Um weird I haven't felt like this since I was a child this just means shes no petty theft she's the one we're looking for the RED reaper.


I caught the knife with ease. I moved over to the edge to see which idiot wanted to die today. A guy with dark brown hair, tall dark grey eyes and three, Symmetrical cuts down his right eye hmm. It seems he would be a challenge but I can't figure out his animal sense. Still bad idea provoking me at this time I was about to throw the knife back when I saw a flash of light in the corner of my eye and right away ducked while a long arm switched over my head I turned around and see a slim but fit boy with what seems to be snake sense due to how fast he moves. well, guess I'll get to punch something after all after having a conversation with Cupid I could use a stretch.

"Let's do this," I said while cracking my neck and knuckles. He took a fighting stance as did I. He launched a right punch which I easy doughed I got to admit he's got power and speed but fully lacks technique and time. He tried again this time to the left I was about to dodge it when I saw him trying to fake it to hit me on my right, HA childish I mean it would work with anyone in that damn bar but me sorry not happening, I kill for a living so before he even lifted his other hand my hand met his face and he flew backward and fell hard on the ground and I definitely Hard something crack, might be his nose. He came again but much more cautious, that what he gets for underestimating me, there was blood coming out of his nose and mouth and he looked pissed good finally getting serious are we. This time he launched a high kick which I deflected with my arm before he could even get back on his feet I punched him hard in the stomach and instantly he was doubling over clutching his stomach. Well, that's that. I was about to leave when the Rusty roof door opened and the guy who threw the knife came through. A Wicked smile appeared on my face I was thinking the guy in my mind, he saved me time by coming to hear himself now I can rip him into pieces for throwing the knife at me.

Wolfs P.O.V

After realizing that the girl on the roof was the Red reaper i instantly started to run to the roof Luka could not fight her, he could barely keep up with me. I pushed through the rusty roof door and saw Luka dubbed over clutching his stomach on the side and there was blood coming out of his nose. What happens to him? He looks like he's about to pass out, i look to the opposite side and was met with a grinning Red Reaper. I immediately took a fight stand so did she. Granny told us not to fight the Red reaper just to tell her and she would handle it. I insisted that she should not go near the Red Reaper but she warned us. I can't leave Luka as he is, he looks like he needs medical help immediately.

I looked up and met an icy glare and there's only one thought I can think of while looking at those eyes HIM! The man that cause me pain.

The hair on my arms started to raise. Telling me that my opponent was dangerous.

I looked at the Reaper and stood in a fight stance and as soon as I blinked. The fight had begun 

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