10. Parent Arguing

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Miles P.O.V         

"Hey babe", I waved to Blake making him blush as I wrapped my arms around him. "Aw, I love you", he mumbled into my chest as I pressed my lips to his. I cupped his face roaming my gaze over his slightly swollen eye. I sighed and kissed him again. "Keep it PG, queers", Seth laughed out causing me to turn to him. "Miles, please", Blake whispered holding my arm tightly. 

"Keep your fucking hands to yourself, what made you think you could put your hands on my boyfriend?", I squinted my eyes as he smirked. "I bet he loved it when I layed my hands on him", he teased making me angier by the second. "I didn't", Blake pouted behind me. God, the feels though. "Shut up, who said you could join the conversation", Seth raised his hand as Blake hid behind me making Seth laugh dangerously. 

"Miles, lets go", Blake tugged on my hand pleading with his big blue eyes. "Wait until your alone", seth mouthed to Blake but I saw it. Blake tugged harder on my hand. I connected my fist with his jaw making him wince and hold his face. "Touch him, see what happens", I glared in hatred at him while walking off with Blake having a death grip on my hand. "Please stay away from him", he pouted. "If he hurts you, then no", I answered wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

"I love you", I held his face pecking his lips before he walked off to his music class, cheeks dark red. "Miles, wait up for me you lanky fucker", Jess screamed out standing by my side panting. "Hello weirdo", I smirked putting an arm around her shoulders. "Whats crackalacking?", she popped on her bubble gum. "Just decked Seth", I said accepting her proud highfive. "I can't be fucked to go to science, wanna sit in Blakes class?", she pouted. "Sure", I said. 

"I never did anything wrong", I heard Blakes voice scream. I sped up and gazed around the corner with Jess to see Blake and his teacher standing outside of his classroom. "He called me a faggot", Blake screamed at his teacher, what a turn on. "I don't care. You're type of behaviour is not acceptable", his teacher yelled. "He was being homophobic to me so I called him an asshole, thats so unfair", Blake mumbled to himself. "Get yourself to detention, i'm dissapionted in you Blake", Mr David said. 

"Oh i'm so dissapionted in you Blake", Blake mumbled back in a mocking tone making me hold back a laugh. "Get to detention", Sir said. "No, he called me a faggot and told me to burn with my mom", Blake flipped him off. "Get to detention". Sir glared making Blake giggle loudly. "I'm not going anywhere until Seth apollogizes to me", Blake mumbled flipping open his phone. He has a mom?

Blake P.O.V

Me: Daddy?, can you come pick me up please
Daddy: What happened sweetie?
Me: People, can you pick me up outside the entrance?
Dad: Blake what the fuck happened, you shouldn't be skipping school!
Daddy: Jake, be quiet. Blake probally had a rough day at school, let him come home.
Dad: Why do you always take his side?
Daddy: Jake, don't start an argument, Blake i will pick you up now hunny.

I sighed. I was always the reason why my parents argued so much. Seth called me a faggot in class, he also said I should go burn with my mom. My mother died giving birth to me, she died while I was in her arms at birth. I was put into a foster home and adopted my my dads.

I smiled when I saw Miles and Jess peeking at me around the corner of the hallway. I held back the tears wanting to forget what Seth said about my mom, I never met her but I always felt connected to her in some way. They both walked me outside the school. "I'll call you later", Miles said kissing my lips. "See you later mofo", Jess smirked as I waved them off and walked over to my car where I let a tear escape. 

"Are you okay, as came here as soon as you called", Daddy smiled sadly getting up to lean over the backseat to me. "I feel the love", Dad mumbled to himself thinking we didn't hear. "Blake, are you okay?", he stroked my cheek and I simply nodded as he sat back down. "What happened?", Dad butted in wanting to know everything. "Dad I don't want to talk about it, I just want to go home", I said hugging my knees to my chest. "I wan't a nice house but not everyone gets what they want, now tell me what happened", he locked eyes with mine. 

"I don't want to talk about it", I looked back as he just grunted and drove the car. My wrists were itching for the need of my metal but I was going to remain strong for myself and Miles. "Well, at home tomorrow I'm bringing someone who I want you to meet", Dad smiled brightly making me feel bad for not being cheerful. "Remember the man Blake I told you about?", he asked as Dad gripped the steering wheel with a pissed off look on his face. 

"I get to meet him, the man you named me after?", I smiled as he nodded. "I don't want you meeting him", Dad muttered. Dad was such a cheerful person, not. "Jake, he saved my life so I wan't our son to meet him", Rain sighed as we parked in our drive way. "I don't want Blake meeting that man", Dad repeated him self slamming the car door and walking into the house with another slam of that door. 

I entered my bedroom. I'm such a fail. I thought to myself as I looked down at the ten gashes I just made in my wrist. 


I'm such a shit writter :( I might just stop writting, as I fail as keeping all my readers happy. D:
Tomorrows chapter, Blake meets the person who saved Rains life.. (read book 1 to understand).... whats Miles gonna do if he sees Blakes arm? and the parents have been arguing allot... 


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