When Two Different Worlds Collide- Chapter 5

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THIS WAS WRITTEN BY SAVAGENESS.. Same person as before, but she changed her name! :) Enjoy!


Aimee's POV 

AIMEEEE! ....Aimee, please wake up! I can't lose you..Not now. Not when we finally connected.

I kept hearing a distinctive shout...My name...Someone keeps calling me. 

I could not open my eyes. It felt as if I was lifting a ton of weights whenever I tried. 

I could not move my lips. My throat felt sore, But the thirst was gone. 

I cannot speak...No words are coming out. 

Panic started to rise.

Where am I? And what is wrong with me? Why can I not move or do anything?

As if it all came crashing back, I remember the thirst. I thought I was going to die. 

Then I felt the warmth of blood and as I started to drink more and more.....everything went black.

AIMMEEE! Wake up, Please Aimee Please.


The desperation in his voice ignited something within me. I felt the need to fight, to open my eyes, to show him that I can hear him.

But I could not.

Mark's POV

She's been out for almost an hour now. I don't know what happened. One minute she was sucking my blood and the next she was lying still. 

My wolf was in pain. 'I can't lose her' he kept repeating. 

I started shaking her, screaming out to her. Nothing. She stayed still. Not moving. 

I just found her. We just connected. I felt it. My wolf felt the energy. 

As soon as she started drinking my blood, a shot of energy ran through my body. 

Maybe, Just maybe, that's the reason she passed out. 

I pray she wakes up. I can't go on without her. All these thoughts clouded my mind. 

Will she wake up? 'YES' my wolf growled within me. 

"AIMEE! Aimee, Please wake up! I can't lose you...Not now. Not when we finally connected!" I shouted. I constantly shook her, hoping she'll wake up. 

I started to feel weak, my wolf feeling pained. I sat there staring at her, kept praying for her to wake up.

After a couple of minutes of starin

g at her, I saw her eyes flutter. Wait! Was I seeing things?     

"Aimee! Can you hear me? If you can, show me, Aimee please. "

I waited and waited. Nothing. She was as still as before.

Maybe it was just me. Maybe I've gone crazy. This ache in my heart is getting worse...Does that mean I've lost her?

On the verge of giving up, I bent down and picked my mate up bridal style.

Her head laid on my chest..but the rest stayed limp.

Pushing a few strands off her face, I placed a kiss on her forehead.

I wasn't going to give up, I'd be damned if I did. 

I walked over to a shade under a tree.

I will stay up all night and wait for her if I have to. I know she'll wake up. She has to!

I pictured life without my mate. Even though I just met Aimee, I couldn't imagine my life without her. It hurt just thinking that she wouldn't be there with me every step of the way.

I felt my eyes water, I never shed tears.

"Aimee, Please...For me Aimee" I kept whispering. To myself...To her. 

Mark? I heard her whisper, Finally!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2012 ⏰

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