68- January is Tomorrow, Next Week and Next Year

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I woke up, feeling sick. Don't know why, don't really care why, I just don't want to be sick. Coffee and I'll be fine.

Coffee and Advil, right? Good combination? Maybe. Will it help? Hopefully.

I stand up, immediately regretting how fast I had done that. I became quite dizzy, but regardless, I kept my balance. I walked slowly over to my bathroom so I could get ready, but then there was a knock at my door.

It wasn't mine and Lilli's knock, so I responded with, "Come in."

Kyle walked in,

"Hey, breakfast is ready, and getting cold."

"Alright." I replied, following him out of my room and through the hallway.

The first step I took on the stairs, my balance was a little off, but I hid it and kept going-following behind Kyle.

"Last breakfast of twenty seventeen!" Kyle exclaimed, jumping off of the last step, I chuckled and headed towards the kitchen.

There were two plates made, which meant that Lilli and Noah were already eating-I assumed.

I grabbed the plate with less food on it, not wanting much and I walked into the dining room.

My guess was right, Noah and Lilli were already eating.

"Morning." They said in unison as I sat down.

"Mornin'." I replied, just as Kyle walked in with his plate of food. My phone being in my pant pocket, I grabbed it and began to go through social medias, as we always do in the morning while eating breakfast.

A few minutes into the silence of the dining room, Lilli broke it,

"Kay, are you good?"

I shot my head up and looked at her,

"Yeah? Why, was I doing something?"

"No, you look pale." She responded. Maybe I really was coming down with something...
I shrugged and went back to eating my pancakes.

"If you aren't feeling well, we can always have the gang come here." Noah spoke up.

"No, I still want to go." I stated, returning to my food.

At least I tried.

"Lilli's right, you ain't lookin' too good." Kyle said. I shrugged, not really caring at the moment because all I wanted was my pancakes.

"Kay, are you sure-," Noah tried to say, but I cut him off,

"Yes! I'm sure!" I snapped. Immediately regretting what I had just done, I looked down at my lap.

They stopped talking to me and whispered amongst themselves.


Screw off.

Bitch, listen. You're sick.

No I'm not! Just a cold.


Looking back at my last pancake, I suddenly lost my appetite.

I got up, not making eye contact with anyone and headed into the kitchen.

Regardless of my appetite, I shoved the last one in my mouth. And rushed upstairs, into the comfort of my bedroom.

I groaned as I flopped down onto my bed. Why did I snap at them?

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