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41. 10% of humans are left handed.

42. The weird white dots you see floating while looking at the sky are your white blood cells.

43. A bag of marijuana was the first thing bought and sold on the internet.

44. A leach has 32 brains.

45. A man named Walter summerford was truck by lightning 3 times after his death his gravestone also got struck with lightning.

46. Cigarettes were prompted as health products until the early 1950s.

47. Dead people can get goose bumps.

48. Pandas who get enough sleep do not have dark circles around the eyes.

49. When he was dying. Einstein refused surgery saying " I want to go when I want. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share it is time to go. I will do it elegantly."

50. 15% of people can't burrito fold their tongue and I'm one of them.

51. There was a con artist that was so good he sold the Eiffle Tower twice.

52. When one hermit crab finds a bigger she'll a group finds him and every hermit crab moves up a shell.

53. If you fold a piece of paper 42 times it would reach the moon.

54. The reason why Olympians bite their metals after they win is to see if it's chocolate or not.

55. Squirrels will adopt baby squirrels if they have been abandond.

56. Saudi Arabia imports camels from Australia.

57. Every person has a different tongue print.

58. The nose can remember 50,000 different scents.

59. Your feet have half a million sweat glands that produce a pint of sweat a day.

60. The size of your eyes stays the same but your ears and nose never stop growing.

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