skr00g,s aNd mARta,s addventuREEs ch. 2

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skroog and martha travelUd to de circASS fOr a fon day
skr00g likes marta
marta likeEe skr00g
dey not kno dis
dey see elefonts
and lionS
dey go hoME
skr00g iS the sAd
he loov martha
he wan martha
he miss martha
- - - - - - - - - - -
martha is the mAd
he mizz skr00g
he no loov hiz vife
he madd
martha need skr00g
and noting wiLLgeT iN hIS waY
hey, i finally updated yay
since my friends were literally yelling at me
hope you like it

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