Chapter 24

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Jason and Piper had awoken early that morning to a call from Percy. 

"Hello?" Jason had just woken up, and his tired brain couldn't comprehend why Percy would be calling them at such an hour. 

"Jason, it's me. I'm freaking out, man!" Percy's voice was frantic, but excited.

"What do you mean? What's going on?" 

"Baby, what's happening?" Piper rolled over, looking at Jason confusedly. 

"Percy's on the phone." Jason replied. 

"AND I'M FREAKING OUT!" Percy yelled, causing Jason to have to move the phone away from his ear as it started to ring. 

"What's going on, Percy?" Piper asked, loudly enough for the phone to pick it up. 

"Annabeth's in labor!"


Jason and Piper rushed to the hospital later that morning, a sleepy Leo in tow. 

Leo was now nearly two years old, and was babbling nonstop. As they sped into the hospital, Leo was sleepily singing a Radiohead song that Percy had taught him. 

Jason ran to the front desk, nearly out of breath. It had been a long time since he had had to run this much. 

"Where's... the maternity... ward?" Jason asked between breaths. 

The receptionist smiled, and pointed down the hall. 

"It's just down there, dear. Can I ask who you're visiting?" 

"Annabeth... Jackson." 

"She's in room 507."

"Thank you so much, ma'am." The receptionist simply nodded, and, now that Jason had regained his breath, he took off down the hall, frantically searching for room 507.

When he found it, he knocked as gently as he could, and leaned on the doorway, out of breath. He could hear Piper chuckling at him down the hallway as she made her way to the room, carrying their very sleepy child. 

Percy opened the door, grinning brightly. 

"Hey, man!" Percy immediately pulled him into a hug, and it was clear that he was elated. 

"Hey!" Jason hadn't had much time to catch his breath, but he did his best, and he couldn't help but notice how tightly his friend was holding him. "How did it go?" Percy's face lit up with excitement.

"It went great! Annabeth was wonderful! Gods, I love her so much. She was amazing!" Percy saw Piper coming down the hall, and nearly sprinted off to hug her and Leo. Jason could hear him greeting them both excitedly.

Jason opened the door a little, and saw Annabeth in the hospital bed, holding a bundle of blankets and smiling fondly down at them. She looked absolutely exhausted, but content. Around her were Paul, Sally, and their daughter Charlotte. They all turned to him when he entered, smiling. 

"Hey, guys. Hey, Annabeth." Jason smiled at her, and she smiled back. 

"Hey." She sounded even more exhausted than she looked. "Jason, come here." Jason nodded, walking further into the room until he was beside Annabeth. He could see now that inside the bundle was a pudgy little pink blob, with a mess of black hair, a cute little nose, chubby cheeks, and big, intelligent grey eyes. "This is Zoe."

"Annabeth, she's beautiful." Annabeth gently stroked her daughter's cheek, smiling even wider. 

"She's so perfect." Annabeth looked back up at Jason, pure love still in her eyes. "Percy and I wanted to ask you and Piper to be her godparents. In case something ever happened to us." Jason smiled. 

"Of course. We would be honored." 

*******Hey guys. Sorry this is so short. I know it's not my best work, but I wanted to make sure that Percy and Annabeth had had their baby before I moved on to the next part of the story, which I'm REALLY excited about, and I really hope that it'll give me more inspiration for chapters or mini-plots in the future. 

Peace out in demigodishness and all that!

~~~Mrsleovaldez *******

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