Chapter 27 (Mother's Day Oneshot)

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*******Hey, guys. I know that I said I'd be doing a sequel soon, but I'm having a hard time starting it, and it doesn't help that I just got a job that takes up most of my free time during the week. I just figured that today would be a good day for a one-shot since it's Mother's day! Yay! 

So, yeah. The sequel should be hopefully coming soon (as soon as I can figure out a way to start it that doesn't sound super cringe-y to me). Until then, please enjoy! 


Leo woke up bright and early, remembering that Daddy said that today was a special day. He couldn't wait to find out which day it was! 

He sat up in his new big-boy bed. He liked it much better than his crib. He could get in and out of this bed much easier. He turned to Banjo and told him all about the special day they were gonna have. Leo didn't have any idea what day it was, but he knew it was going to be great. 

It was a little while later that his Daddy snuck into his room. Leo grinned, getting up out of his bed and running to his Daddy, who scooped him up and swung him around. 

"Hey there, Little Man!" Daddy gave Leo a big kiss, which Leo returned. "Are you excited?" Leo nodded, grinning. "Do you know what day it is?" Still grinning, Leo shook his head. "Today's a special day for Mommy. It's Mother's day! That means we gotta show Mommy how much we love her, okay?" 

Leo nodded. He loved his Mommy so much. She was so nice to him. She gave him hugs and kisses and food and snuggles. 

"Awesome! Let's get you changed. Then you can help me make Mommy a special breakfast. Does that sound good?" Leo nodded excitedly. He loved to cook with his Daddy. "Alright." 

Jason quickly changed Leo, then set him down on the floor. 

"Alright, Little Man. I'm gonna go get Helena and Auggie, okay? I'll get them all ready, then we can go cook, okay?" Leo nodded again. "Until we're all ready, can you go and play super quietly in the living room so we don't wake up Mommy?" Leo nodded again, grinning and giggling quietly. "Thanks, buddy!" Jason ruffled his hair, and Leo scampered off to the living room, still clutching Banjo tightly. 

Jason quickly made his way to the twins' room, where he knew that they were both awake. He entered the room, which he, Piper, Percy, and Frank had all worked so hard on. 

The nursery's walls were white and had been painted to look like there were trees on them with little birds and squirrels on them. The cribs were both vintage, and were dark grey. On the ceiling hung little cloud-shaped light fixtures, as well as a few shaped like hot air balloons. The whole room was gender-neutral, which Piper and Jason had wanted, since the twins would be sharing a room for now. 

Helena laid peacefully in her crib, sucking gently on her pacifier and staring up at the hot air balloons with her big kaleidoscopic eyes. August was fidgeting in his crib, whining and grunting a little behind his pacifier. 

Jason smiled at his beautiful little babies. They were both so cute and sweet, and he loved them so, so much. 

He scooped up August, who he knew would only get louder if he changed Helena first, and carried him over to the changing table, changing him quickly. He dressed him in a white and grey striped onesie, little khaki overalls, and grey socks. He carried August into the kitchen, where he set him in his bouncer, buckling him in so that he wouldn't fall out, and setting the bouncer to rock. 

He returned to the nursery, where Helena was still patiently waiting for him. He smiled down at his baby girl. She was just so tiny, and didn't cry nearly as much as August. He scooped her up and carried her over to the changing table, changing her quickly. He dressed her in a fuchsia onesie with ruffled sleeves, a pair of white pants with fuchsia flowers on them, a matching fuchsia headband, and white socks. He carried her out to the kitchen and set her in her bouncer next to her brother, buckled her in, and set it to rock. 

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