Chapter 14: The Vampire's Night

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*Hey guys sorry it took so long to update but school started and I've been really busy these past few days. Here it is CH 14 so please comment, vote, and like always enjoy.
P.S. I'm not even sure if any of you even read this but I'm going to try anyways please read my new story 'A Drug for the Dead' and comment and tell me what you all think it would mean so much to me thanks*

        I started to wake up and then fluttered my eyes open and looked around to find myself in the same house that I passed out in...wait....I didn't pass out.

        I started to panic and then as I turned my head a icy cold chill ran up and down my spine and a growing pain feeling too making me shiver then I grabbed my neck feeling nothing other then my bare skin that seemed untouched. I sighed then crawled out of the bed and walked to the balcony and looked out at the ocean and then looked down and saw that it was a long way up from the land. 

        I gasped and then started to back up but ran into something hard and I spun around and was faced with Lestat's eyes that were suddenly locked with mine.

        The moment was silent as I looked at his dark eyes and then he smirked darkly down at me making my stomach do flips on his vampire beauty "boo" he whispered making me flutter my eyes then I looked down and saw how close he was there was almost no space between us.

        He stepped closer and I stepped back till I was against the railing of the balcony and then he was presed up against me. I looked up at him confused as I then felt his arm around my waste "so young" he whispered then crested my cheek gently with his free hand and I couldn't help but to lean into his touch.

        Then it hit me...his hand or body wasn't ice cold was warm.

        I froze then pulled away and walked back inside and held my head with one hand "you understand?" he asked as he walked up behind me "not exactly" I replied scared to believe that Akasha turned me into what she was. I stood there and then felt his hands on my shoulders and move down my arms. I stood there then let my hand fall to my side gently as he then pulled my hair from my shoulder and let it fall down my back reveling my neck. I stood there then felt myself being lightly pulled back and I leaned against him and my head on his shoulder as his mouth was next to my ear.

        "Close your eyes" he whispered and I listened and felt myself being pulled around and was pulled close to him and felt his arms around my waste and on my back. Then one of my arms raised up and rapped around his right shoulder while the other went around his neck and we started to turn slowly as if dancing.

        I then after a second opened my eyes and saw were in the sky high above the ground. I gasped and tightened my grip around his neck then looked at him but saw no reaction in his face. I sighed then looked up and saw the city at night and saw the lights a blur from us moving threw the was so beautiful...I wouldn't mind staying up here for a while.

        I smiled lightly then closed my eyes feeling the air on my skin then after a few moment's I opened my eyes and looked at him staring at me. I froze then suddenly felt the ground and nearly fell to the ground but he held me tight to his chest.

        We looked at each other for a moment then he looked down at my lips then back to my eyes and pulled away "what?" I asked confused as he shook his head then turned to look at me "nothing it's just...I can smell Akasha's blood in you" he said and I shivered at the name and looked down.

        He walked closer and took my chin in a gently hold and raised my face to look at him "do you not care for her?....she is your maker" he replied "I wasn't given a choise" I shot back surprising him and he let go of my chin "what was your choise?" he asked glaring at me.

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