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In the castle I felt weird. The sheriff would give me money for no reason that I knee he got from his unfair taxes. So as usual I went to my usual rounds and gave away the money, many asked if I was a part of Robin Hoods gang I told them no, but I rally didn't know who Robin Hood was.

I went through the forest on my way back. suddenly I heard a sound, I got off my horse and walked tward the noise. suddenly I felt a hand brush my cheek and I screemed as loid as I could while the man and 5 others grabbed and tied me up and up into a tree.

I was hanging from a tree when suddenly I saw 3 men run up and attack the men who tied me up, I saw another man in the distance with a bow n' arrow he looked as though he was about to shoot me down. when nearly all the men were tied up the man with the bow n' arrow shot me and I fell into a taller and sronger looking man's arms. they finished tying up the rest of the men and then we ran into the forest.

" who are you?", I asked them.

" I am Robin Hood," said the man standing in the middle," and who might you be?"

" I am Aslinthia of lexingberg."

" Oh, so doesn't that make you Guy's betrothed?"

"Yes, why?"

"Sorry about this."

" What?"

Suddenly everything went black.

I woke up to someone yelling at Robin.

"Robin, you are such an idiot!" I heard a voice say.

" Well its not my fault."

" Whatever, and you Allen you've been staringnat her the whole time!"

"What?" I said confused at what was going on.

" Oh she's awake." Allen says.


I nervously said," No I'm not."

" Nicw try"

Robin was mumbling about what I the voice I heard earlier said.

" Robin, shut up!"


" You leave me no choice."


the person the voice belonged to pulled him in and kissed him. He pulled away sharply.


"Well if you don't want it to happen again then shut up when I tell you to."

Robin stormed off, everyone followed exept the one that just kissed him.

      " Hey, I'm Lahara. What's your name?"  the voice said to me.

" Azlnthia. Plesure meeting you." I replied.

"Az...a... can I call you Lizzie?" she asked.

" Sure, why not. Have they processed that you kissed him yet."

" No, their brains are too small."

"Hey!" I hear a voice named Allen call, clearly offended by Laharas comment.

" Sorry, but its true.  Now where is Robin?"Everyone who had returened went grim very quickly.

" He died."

" WHAT?!! How?!" Lahara screamed loud enough for the whole forest to hear.

"He fell of a cliff."

"So he probably didn't die?"


" Nevermind I'm gunna go, I leave Lizzie in charge. Bye." she said then she walked off.

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