chapter 3

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"Why do you get to be in charge?" Allen said dissapointed in Laharas decision.

"I'm in charge because I'm clearly smarter then you."

" Oh really."Allen said like he was better then me," you want a bet."

"Yes I do. I bet I could take you down in 5 seconds."

"oooooo." the rest of the gang said in unison.

" I'll take that bet." He said.

" Okay."

We went out to a clear open area and set up.

" Ready.....set ......go" Little John said starting the match for us.

He tried so grabb my waist I dogged and grbbed his wrist, twisted it, and pulled it behind his back. I then pinned him to the ground. And all in less then 5 seconds.

" Ow ow ow. Stop." Allen yelped.

" Oh. Sorry I didn't relize that would actually hurt."

" How did you do that."

" I told you I'm smarter then you."

" I think you cheated." Allen said clearly astonished by what had just happened.

" You are just saying that cause you know I'm awesome."

" No, I'm better then you." Allen said.

" No your not Allen , but I bet I could take you."Little John said.

"No, he would just take about 29 seconds to pin."

" Oh really, " Little John said in disbelief.

"No, it would take me probably 8 seconds to take you down, and only cause your bigger."

    We all went inside and wondered what to do next. "I'm hungry," Allen said looking at me like I was supposed to care.

" Ok, well go eat somthing."

" But I cant cook."

"Oh, well if you thing I know how to or want to cook you any food then we have a.problem cause there is No way I'm cooking you any dang food!"

"Wow... calm down.....whatever your name is." Little John said.

"Her name is lizzie."Allen said trying to defend me.

"Wow, to you my name is Azlinthia."

"Why can't I call you Lizzie you let Lahara call you that."

" I don't know, maybe because  you hit me upside the head, kidnapped me, and whatched me in my sleep so I think I have reasons."

Lahara walked up and started to say, " Hey guys guess what... Robin is..."

" Well those were orders from robin, exept the last one but what did she do to earn the right of calling you lizzie," Allen said pointing at Lahara.

" Well she didn't kidnap me, she didn't hit me upside the head, she doesn't whatch me in my sleep and she yeld at you for doing all those things so ya I think she wins."

"Hey guys ... Robins not dead."

"Called it." I responded with enthusiasm. Lahara gave me a high five.

"Me ,too."

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