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F3 is where Andy parked in the hospitals parking lot, and he took a mental note of that. It was just decent walk from the front doors, but it didn't bother him. He liked long walks.

Andy trudged slowly along the sidewalk, trying to prolong the wait of seeing Rye.

He walked through the automatic doors and took in the smell of sickness. He made eye contact with the receptionist as he walked up to her.

"May I see Rye Beaumont?" Andy spoke in a hushed voice, still in shock that after all this time, Rye is awake.

"Andy, your back." The nurse gave with pure bliss, truly exited to see Andy back once more. She saw how tough this was on Andy, and how much it affected him. "I haven't seen you here in forever. I'm guessing you heard Rye woke up." Within the first month, Andy had came here every day in hopes that Rye would wake up. It seems like a dream to be here right now.

He nods in response as she allows him to pass through. Andy waved to the nurses as he passed, slowly dreading seeing Ryes face after so long. One foot after the other, Andy made his way into his room.

With a steady knock of the door, Andy walked in. Both breaths hitched at the sight of each other.

Rye moved his focus away from the tv to The blonde boy who just entered the room.



"Is it really you?" Tears welled up in Andy's eyes.


"I missed you." Andy wiped away any hint of a tear that may be nesting under his eyes.

"How can you miss me? You've been up for less than twenty four hours."

"But I still missed you."  Andy wanted nothing more than to hold the boy in his arms and never let go. It would be like a fairytale where they go home and everything ends in happiness, but this is no fairytale.



"You don't get to miss me. I watched you nearly die. You were bleeding rye, like a lot. I had to call 911. I had to make sure you didn't bleed out. I came everyday for a month to see if you've woken up. And I don't even know why! You were hired to kill me, Rye! You wanted me dead, yet I still came. You don't get to miss me, not after what you've done."

They both look to the door once they start hearing footprints coming in the direction of the room, probably due to Andys incisive yelling.  But One more thing had to be said before he can leave.  One thing had to be made clear.

They looked each other in the eyes. Both on the brink of tears, but neither allowing them to fall. Andy looked at Rye's face, it lacking color, and his eyes are lacking depth. The hurt can be seen in the tears trailing down his cheeks. It hurt Andy to know He was the  cause of them, but does it hurt Rye knowing how many tears he's caused Andy.

"I hate you Ryan Beaumont." Shane's hand creeped onto Andy's shoulder, tugging it back a little.

"It think it's time for you to leave, Mr.Fowler."

"Yea, I think so too." Andy turned around without the assistance from the petit nurse and sought himself out. Andy didn't need him in his life. He needed someone who would make him happy, and put him first.

Andy walked all the way to his black Honda and got in as quickly as He could. The second the door shut, tears flowed out of his blue eyes, and onto his soft small hands.

I haven't reread any of this so it might be horribly grammard or spelt sooooo yea. Hope y'all enjoy!

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