Ring ring ring

Andy's alarm goes off to signal it's time for him to awaken. He groans in protest, thinking it's to early to be doing anything besides sleeping.

He pulled himself out of bed, and look at the calendar above the mahogany night stand. With a big red marker he crosses an ex on to the corresponding date. Today marks 92 days since Rye shot himself in his presence.

3 whole months to mourn him, to love him, to hate him.

Andy had his life planned out, but the Rye came along. He was going to go to Juilliard, get a career in music, find a partner, get married, have kids, and live a happy life. Rye just had to go and ruin that.

The worse part about it is Andy had only known Rye for a week. A week! He was shocked by how fast he was able to How could he have fallen so hard.

He made his way to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. A beard had started to grow after completely giving up on shaving the last two weeks. The bags under his eyes have grown purple in the restless nights.

He wants to believe that he wish I'd never met Rye, but that would be complete bullshit.

With all of Andy's heart, he misses rye. He misses the way his eyes squinted as he laughed, the way his leg was always bouncing, the way he cupped andys face with his big warm hands with tenderness and care.

Andy made his way into the kitchen after brushing his teeth and made himself a cup of black coffee. He was getting ready for the gym and needed the extra caffeine.

It was a Saturday which meant there wasn't much going on, just Andy's one o'clock boxing class. He picked up boxing a couple months ago as a distraction, It doesn't work very well though. Every time Andy goes to punch the bag, he imagines something there. It starts off as his father, then it morphs into Ryes father. It's his father's fault Andy almost died, it's his fault Rye almost died.

Andy carefully poured his coffee into his cup and walked to the closet by the door. He pulled out the first jacket he saw, which happened to be his big red one, and slip his pre-muscular arms through the holes.

Andy knew today was going to be a long day and He was not looking forward too it.

In all honesty, he wishes Rye would've shot him.  He wants to be the one in the hospital, the one in a comma, the one who may never wake up.

Welcome to the sequel to take out!

Originally I didn't want to have a sequel, but when I was writting take out my friend told me that's what I should do so...here we are.

So keep in is going to be a little longer than take out but still pretty short. Also sorry the first chapter is slow,

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