Chapter 6

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Today is January 1st so I'm supposed to get my first pen pal letter today but I would have to wait all day since I work today. Getting to work I clock in and start waiting tables when Angel, EZ, Coco, Creeper and Gilly walk in and sit at a table in my area. Walking up I say "What can I get you fellas today?" and Angel says "Our usual." and I say "Y'all will get fat eating burgers and fries with a coke daily." and they laugh and I go out their orders in. I didn't have anyone at my other tables so while waiting for their order to be done I talk to Sarah, Sarah and I were laughing when Joe walks up and says "Omg what's so funny girlfriends!?" in a girly voice making us laugh and Sarah says "We were talking about a woman at the store last night who was walking around with her dress tucked in her panties." Joe laughs and says "I hope y'all told her." and I said "I did and she didn't believe me and kept walking.", shaking his head he says "People these days." and he walks away. Once the food is done I bring it to Angel and the guys and say "Call if you need anything else." and walk to another table where an old couple is sitting. At 8:00pm I get off work and head straight home and to my mailbox grabbing my mail, once inside I see bills, junk mail and at the very bottom a letter that says Dove. I make a check for my bills and once I'm done I grab the letter and open it.

To my pen pal,
    I've never done anything like this before but I thought why not, it will give me a chance to met someone on an emotional level without being judged on who I am. Here's a little bit about me, I'm a 31 year old male who has never been married and I have no kids, I'm a 6ft3 Mexican with dark hair and eyes and I'm loyal to a fault. I can't wait to hear from you and get to know you better. I promise my next letter will be longer.
               Sincerely, Teddy Bear

Smiling I save the letter and grab a pen and paper to write my reply.

Teddy Bear,
   Just like you I've never done anything like this either and I to think this is a great way to get to know someone without judgement. Here's a little bit about me, I'm a 5ft6 30 year old Mexican with black hair and eyes. I never been married and I have no kids. God this is hard, I want to ask so many questions but the answers you give will give you away. Was it hard for you to write your first letter like it is for me? Can't wait to get to know you more.
           Sincerely, Dove

After I'm done writing I fold it and put it in a envelope seal it and put it in my purse. Taking the letter Teddy Bear wrote me I get up and walk into my room and put it in a little memory box that I brought when I went shopping with Sarah last night. After I save the box I go take a shower and the whole time I'm wondering who Teddy Bear could be.

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