Chapter 7

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I've been writing and receiving letter to Teddy Bear and I can honestly say I've fallen for him, even thought I don't know what he looks like. Today is the last time I will receive a letter from Teddy Bear. I didn't have work today so I was waiting for the mail and kept looking outside every time I hear a car pass. Finally I see the mailman stop at my mailbox so I wait for him to leave then rush outside to get the mail. After getting the mail I rush back inside and go straight to Teddy Bear's letter. Opening the letter it reads,

   I got your letter today and I must say I needed it really bad. I catch myself reading your letters constantly. Do you read my letters often too? I hope this letter reaches you on a good day but if it's not I hope it brings a smile to your face, like yours does to mine. I think we asked all the questions we could without give each other away. So with that being said, I can't wait to see you at the dance. I will be in the middle of the dance floor with a Teddy Bear at 8:00pm. Hope your happy with who I am and what you see.
         Love, Teddy Bear

smiling I grab a pen and paper an write,

Teddy Bear,
   I just got your letter and YES I read them constantly too, especially on a bad day. We did ask all the questions we could without give each other away and it feels like I know you just not what you look like. I can't wait to see you at the dance but don't worry I don't care what you look like only how you treat me.
So you know what to look for, I will be wearing a red dress with a slit on the left side that stops mid thigh. See you at 8:00pm in the middle of the dance floor.
       Love, Dove

putting the letter in the envelope I set it aside and walk into my room with the letter Teddy Bear wrote me to put it in the box with the rest of the letter he wrote me. Smiling I go through the box and reread all the letter and smile at the little pictures he drew me with some of the letters. My favorite picture he drew me was currently in a fame on my bedside table. It's a teedy bear holding a dove with a sunset in the background. Putting the letters back in the box I lay back in on my bed daydreaming about who Teddy Bear could be and the dance.

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