1492: Getting to Know Them

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Alright. I originally didn't want to post this chapter till next week but your response to the story literally blew me away. Holy shit, guys… Thank you so much.

The other updates will most likely come slower since I have to research a lot and stuff but this one I had already written up…

The way it looks at the moment it's going to be a Kol/Zara/Klaus story since most of you voted for that. I feel obliged to tell you a little more about it. The way I have it planned it will take a while until all three of them will get together. I don't want to spoil too much, so that's about it. Kol and Zara will get together earlier… Let's see how that works out.

So, one of you said that she shouldn't let Katerina push her around cause she's a demigod and stronger. I just wanted to kinda explain that a little. It'll get better… I don't really know what else to say. Zara just doesn't want the conflict at the moment, so she shrugs off Katerina's behaviour. Won't be for too much longer though.

Sorry for the huge ass note…



"Where have you been?" Katerina snarled when Zara walked through the door to the room they shared. The two of them had come to England with nothing and after days of staying out on the streets, a kind woman had taken them in. She was old and needed help with chores around the house – not that Katerina did any of them. Zara, on the other hand, tried to help as much as she could, often taking over duties that she didn't need to do.

Zara flinched in surprise. She hadn't expected her sister to be home already, not after the way that Lord was looking at her… "At the party," she told Katerina quietly.

The older girl scoffed "Oh really? Then why did Elijah come back on his own?"

"Does it matter?" Zara questioned. There was no way she would tell Katerina the truth about knowing who her father was. Maybe she should just leave and find somewhere else to live… Away from here. But where would she go? Katerina was the only person she knew apart from Mrs Farley and she wasn't into socializing either. Also, every time she went outside, the chance that men would notice her grew. Especially with Katerina dragging her along to events that they had no place being in. Zara didn't care that they had been invited by Trevor or how those other two vampires reacted – the Originals? Maybe she would have to talk to Lady Hecate regardless of whether she met them again.

"You don't talk to me like that," Katerina hissed "I am the elder, so you will respect me."

Zara snorted in disdain. Normally, she would try to avoid conflict but she was exhausted. She should have stayed at the palace and slept there but then the next morning would have been even worse "Respect is earned and you have done nothing to make me respect you. Why would I? You're the person who flirts with every man you come across. That is not a person I would want to respect."

Before she could blink, her head snapped to the side. Zara raised a hand to her stinging cheek and was surprised to feel it burn at her touch. She pulled back her fingers to glance at the blood "I can do worse than a few cuts," Katerina threatened, storming out of the room.

The sixteen-year-old stared after her for a few moments, still not too sure what had happened a few moments ago. She sank down on her bed with a sigh, carefully probing the cuts that Katerina's nails left. A part of her felt the fear that came with being hurt by someone she should have been able to trust but the bigger part was just numb. Just when she thought her life was getting better. The only reason Zara followed Katerina to England was to get away from the abuse her stepfather inflicted on her… Now she felt stupid for thinking that Katerina would treat her differently just because the Petrova patriarch wasn't there anymore.

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