Pass the Time

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(Jirou's POV)

It's only been a week since the attack, yet it felt like a year. The police were able to find Kendo and Awase with the evidence we provided, but Tetsutetsu and Kamikiri were still missing. We still don't know when we're going back. I've been spending more time with Kaminari to try to pass the time.

I finally met his family. His parents were really nice. He has a baby brother named Jaryan with the same quirk. I think they liked me, i'm not entirely sure though. His dad didn't say much.

(A/n this wasn't true in the actual manga or anime I just made it up)

We were hanging out at my house, so I was hoping he'd get to meet my parents. I'm sure they'll like him.

It was around three o' clock in the afternoon. My parents usually come home around this time.

We were playing Rock Band on the Xbox when my parents arrived.

We pause the game.

"Hey, mom, dad, this is my boyfriend I've been telling you about."

Denki shook my mom's hand.

"Ah. So you're Kaminari. It's nice to finally meet you." My mom says.

"It's nice to meet you, too, Mrs. Jirou."

Denki goes to shake my dad's hand, but my dad keeps his arms folded.

"So, what do you think of my daughter?" He asks.

God. Why? I face-palm.

Denki stutters, "I-I uh, she's-"

"I'm just messin' with you, kid!" My dad pats him on the back. "You seem like a great guy."

Denki sighs and shakes his hand.

After a whole lot of chitchat, Kaminari and I walk over to a cafe to get some warm drinks.

(Kaminari's POV)

We get and pay for our drinks and sit at a small booth by the window.

"Your parents seem cool." I say.

"Yeah, they are, most of the time." She sips her coffee.

"Your dad kind of scared me for second though." I laugh.

"Haha. Yeah you should've seen your face." She replies.

This was nice. Just hanging out like there wasn't a problem in the world with my amazing girlfriend. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Oh, oops. I didn't realize I was staring at Kyouka.

I shrug. "Sorry, I was just...thinking."

"What were you thinkin' about?" She asks.

I turn on my charm. Or what I thought was "charm"

" much I love you." I smile.

She blushes.

"It's been like 2 months and i'm still not used to you saying that." She says.

I could feel my chest pounding.

"It's not everyday when someone says something that means so much to you." I reply.

I hold her hand across the table.

"How did I get so lucky to have such an incredible relationship with someone like you?" I sigh.

"I honestly don't know." She smiles. "All I know is that you're a dork. A cute dork."

----Time Skip-----

I asked Kyouka if she would stay at my place tonight.  Her parents were okay with it so she packed a bag and went home with me.

We stayed up really late, until about two in the morning watching movies in my room.

When we finish the last movie, I yawn and turn off the tv.

"We should sleep now." She says, rubbing her eyes.


I wrap my arms around her and press my lips against hers. My hand trails up her shirt as I lay her down on my bed.

This felt amazing, but I knew not to take it too far.

"I love you." I whisper.

I can feel her lips curl as she smiles.

" you too." She breathes.

Her hand runs down my chest as we kiss. God, I love her so much. I trail my lips down to her neck.

"Denki!" It was my mom calling me from the other room.

Kyouka shoves me off of her.

"Y-yeah, mom?" I yell.

"Turn the TV off and go to bed already! It's late!"

"Okay! We're going to bed right now!"

"Alright. Love you, sweetie!" My mom yells.

"Love you too, mooom"

I turn off the light and climb back in bed.

Kyouka fell asleep pretty quickly. I dozed off shortly after that.

Good night~

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