The Light In The Dark

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(Kaminari's POV)

Ok, so i'm not dead. That's good, but I still don't know what's wrong with me. I'm obviously not asleep, but my eyes won't open. There were times they would flicker open for a few seconds, but they would never stay open. In those few seconds, all I saw was light.

I can't even interpret the time like this. How long has it been since Kyouka came to talk to me? How long have I been like this? There were times I could feel my lip quiver, or my fingers twitch, but it was involuntary. I still couldn't control it no matter how hard I tried.

I hear a door click open and someone walking up to me. They put a hand on my hair.

"My boy..."


I hear her take a deep, shaky breath.

"Please wake up soon. Our family's not complete without you, son."

Wake me up. I can't do it on my own. I want to be there with you.

"Your brother couldn't sleep last night. He had to sleep in your bed. I hope you don't mind."

Aw, Ryan...buddy..

I feel her hand on my cheek. After that, it was silent until her hand left my face and I heard the door shut.

I was left with my own thoughts in this relentless darkness once again. I felt as if I wasn't in my own body anymore. It was unresponsive when I tried to move. If I can't control it, is it even my body?

I stopped thinking for a while and suddenly a random wave of old memories crossed my mind. They weren't just old, they were memories of things that I forgot had happened. Things that you wouldn't even remember if you tried, but for some reason, the context of those events just showed up.

Like, the first week at UA. I didn't really know anyone and I was alone until Sero invited me to come talk with them. I remembered that, but I had forgotten how I leaned back in my chair too far and fell flat on my back. Yeesh. It's those embarrassing moments that can just make someone hate themself.

It's weird, being in this condition. It-it's like you want to wake up and you know you're not tired, but your body won't let you. It's like a huge dream/sleep paralysis/hallucination type of thing.

I've definitely had a lot of time to think to myself. Whether I like it or not, I got no one else to really talk to. It's just me and my pointless, empty thoughts........

Oh, God when is this going to end?

I'm a very impatient person in general, but it feels like FOREVER and I can't even tell how long it's really been.

Ughhhh...I just want to go home. Whatever's doing this to my body, can you please stop? I'm asking nicely...

Who am I kidding? This is pointless. Why. Did. It. Have. To. Be. Meeee?

(Screams internally)

Then I felt like I lost consciousness, while I was unconscious...? Like, I felt how I feel when I overdo it with my quirk, but I could still think sorta straight.

Now it feels like I'm falling. Still falling. Still falling...aaaand nothing's changed. I still can't move. Damn. I thought I had something going on there.

Time passes, and I feel my eyes quickly blink. They shut again, but I feel a tear roll down my face. My lips part and my body slightly jolts.

What is happening??

My body stays still again. I feel my toes curl and I get chills and goosebumps. My heart starts beating faster, faster. I can hear myself breathing heavily. I can control my lips! And my breathing!

My eyes finally open, wide open.

"AHUHUGH!" I gasp.

I sit straight up in that bed. I pant and look around. No one was there. I glance toward the window. It was daytime and a bit cloudy. I turn to see a "Nurse Call" button on the side of the bed. I lift my arm to press it, but I can't. My arm had a bunch of things attached to it so I couldn't reach without removing them. I didn't know what to do so...

"Uh, hello..? Help..." I awkwardly shout.

My voice was raspy and my throat was a bit congested.

"Hellooo?" I shout, louder this time.

The door of the room swiftly swings open and a doctor steps in.

He gasps. "Ah, there he is! You're up!"


"How long have you been up?" He asks.

"Oh, just, maybe a few minutes." I reply.

"My goodness, that's great! You're fully responsive, you can speak, it's as if you're perfectly fine!" He says, with a fair amount of shock and relief in his voice.

He starts checking out all my vitals and stuff. He was surprised to see how well I was.

He explains to me what happened and that I had been in a coma.

I finally got the chance to ask him, "How long was out?"

"Um, 'bout a month and a half."

"A MONTH AND A HALF?!" I exclaim, maybe a little too loud.

He finishes checking on me, but hands me a bag of my belongings before leaving the room.

There was a duffel bag with my phone, comb, brush, toothbrush and a clean change of clothes in it. My parents must have dropped it off here for me.

I take out my phone and call my mom.



"My God, is that really you? You're awake!" She says.

"Mom, I'm okay, I feel good. I feel great, actually." I reply.

"Thank goodness. Oh, I'll be there in a few to come get you. Your brother will be so happy to see you!" She explains.


"I'll see you soon, sweetheart! Love you!" She hangs up.

I check the date and time. It was Wednesday, one thirty four in the afternoon.

Hm, I want to call Jirou, but right now, they're probably in the middle of class.

Oh, screw it. I'm calling her.

(Jirou's POV)

I was sitting at my desk, leaning my face against my hand. I had my phone in my pocket when I felt it ringing. Luckily, it was on silent. I partially pulled it out just enough to read who was calling.

My eyes widen and my jaw slightly lowers.


I excuse myself to go to the restroom so I could answer it.


"Kyouka!" He exclaims. He sounded so happy.

"You're awake!!" I shout, then quickly cover my mouth, not realizing how loud I was.

"Yeah! I'm all good! I'll be heading home soon." He says.

"Th-that's great!" I reply. I wasn't used to hearing his voice again. It's been a while.

It was quiet on both ends for a few seconds.

"I heard you." He says.


"I heard you talking to me. I remember."

I didn't know what to say.

"It wasn't your fault. You did everything you could."

He did remember.

"You saved me." He whispers.

At that point, we'd both burst into tears.

"I missed you."

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