Love Birds

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When we arrived to his house Emily had me wait outside while she went to get Nick.I had a fluttery feeling inside.I was nervous and embarrassed all at once.Emily and Nick both walked out of the house and we all strolled down a path into the woods.Nick locked his fingers into mine as we walked."I thought about you all night hoping that you were ok."Nick said to me.He stopped walking and turned to face me."Im ok.I spoked with Massa earlier and he said we shouldn't be in the open if we are together".I said to him with the biggest smile.A smile appeared on his face as he turned to look at Emily to check to see if what I said was true.Emily playfully rolled her eyes and said "Yes my Father is ok with it he just doesnt want the whole town knowing about it which mean no public affection".Nick lifted me up and gave me a long kiss.He tried to do something with his tongue in my mouth,It felt so weird.I was just so glad I finally felt his lips on mine.
We sat on the ground and cuddled up under eachother,Emily sat and listened to us talk.We caught up on alot of things and we learned so much more about eachother.As a couple of days go by we had gotten alot more close and spent alot of time together,Thanks to Emily.Nick and I have talked about me sneaking out the shed at night to spend alone time with just us two in the woods.
I just wasnt sure when the right time would be good for me to sneak off without being caught by Johnny the teller.He loves to walk around the area just to be Massa eyes.I think he get a thrill out of watching others be chained or whipped by Massa.He doesnt turn a blind eye to his own people.
Massa Wife Beth sent for me to come over, she arrived back to the house and I must say I hate that she has returned.She has been wanting Massa to sell me off since the day she fount out I was his.She is sometimes nice to me, she would teach me how to read and write but she said if she ever caught me teaching the other slaves around here she will have Massa lock me up with no food to slowly die.
"Little girl fix me something sweet to drink".Beth ordered me as she reclined in her seat. "Yes Ma'am".I replied,I walked into the kitchen and boiled a pot of water.I let it cool down ,added sugar and squeezed juices from the fruit into it.It was looking so good. I wasnt able to taste it because we werent allowed to taste anything without permission.They have to be served first then we can.I poured it all into a glass pitcher and poured some for her in a glass cup with plenty of ice. I then walked over to her with both items in my hands."Here you go Ms.Beth,I have it nice,sweet,and cold for you".I said while she takes a sip from the glass cup.I think she really liked it because she chugged it down without uttering one word.She pointed at the pitcher and motioned for me to bring it closer to her.As soon as I put it closer she lets out alot of spit into it.
"You are not allowed to have any".She said with an evil tone.My heart dropped, I was boiling up inside.I kindly took the pitcher back into the kitchen.I hurried and wiped the tears from my eyes."Question.Do we not have plenty of N*gger men here for you to choose to Marry?You think my friend son is into someone as ugly as you are?".Asked Beth.. I didnt respond to her,I proceeded to wash the dishes as she kept ranting. "Since you are old enough maybe its time we should pick one of our slaves out for you and arrange a wedding.Make sure he get you pregnant and sell your kids off!You'd be out your head to think you'll have a baby from OUR kind". She doesn't get like this unless there's no one around.Massa and Emily went into town and Mae is helping with my mom due to her being sick,so Beth is taking full advantage of this opportunity.Being that she just got back she must've heard about the party incident.Instead of me listening to her I just put happy thoughts in my head.
I hurried and went through my task for today so I can head on home.
"Im finished with my work Ms.Beth". I said as I grabbed the door knob.She said nothing to me,instead she shoo'd me out of the house.
Tonight was the night that Nick and I suppose to be meeting up in the woods and im scared. I came home and seen Mama on her Pallet sweating.I grabbed a warm cloth and wiped her face. Ms.Mae got up from the table and said. "Your mother is running a slight fever,I fed her and washed her up.She should be ok until I return in the morning.I saved you some food on the table".She walked over and kissed my mom on the forehead and told her "Now you get better you hear? we gone pray for you to feel better". I hugged Mae and thanked her for being here with my mom. She patted me on the back and left.
As the night fall.I washed up and put on my red pretty gown.I added a little water to my hair to make it more wavy.I combed it down with my fingers.We didnt have a mirror in the shed so I just hope I have it looking really nice.
I looked over to check on Mama and sure enough she was asleep.My heart was beating so fast.I kept second guessing the decision to sneak out the shed but I think with her being sick its best to go cause if she wasnt she would do more to me than she did last time.Maybe I should lie and say ill be with Emily. I dont know..I should be fine.I opened my shed door a little to make sure the area was good.I quietly snuck out and hid beside the shed still trying to scope the area out.I spotted Johnny the teller but he was too distracted feeling up on Patty,which mean I was in the clear.
I closed my eyes and prayed.I hope this plan go smoothly. I quietly walked and crawled when needed while en route to the woods.I was already scared especially now that its pitch black and all I can hear is Owls and bugs.
FINALLY! I made it into the woods,I looked around and spotted a shadow by some trees.Wasnt sure if it was a person or not.
"RAWR!" Nick yelled as he jumped from behind the trees.I screamed so loud and we both laughed."Didnt think you were coming out,you got a lot of guts to do that baby".Nick said while hugging me from behind. The scent of him makes me weak every time."I was very hesitant about it but I prayed and came anyway". I said to Nick. He assured me that everything will be good.He led me to the area where he had a cover laid out for us to lay on.We chatted for a bit and I told him about what Beth said to me earlier.Nick looked at me and said
"Eliza I love you.Loved you since we were kids.We were both robbed of a couple years but im back.I will be sure im there for you.You will be my wife and have my kids that nobody will take away from us.I promise and if I had it my way every single person on this land would be free".I could see his eyes water up.I kissed him and he climbed on top of me leaning me back on to the cover slowly. I could feel his hands slide up the side of my thighs pulling my panties down.All that came to my head is Mary voice repeating in my head "He will never see you more than just someone he can sex and tell you what to do and you cant do nothing about it either". I could just get up and leave but something tells me that he is real serious about what he said.
Nick opened my legs and enters himself in me.It was so painful I squealed.He placed his hand over my mouth to keep me from being loud. He thrusted in and out while looking at me.I closed my eyes as the pain eases up a little.He pulled himself out and laid on top of me.It felt like the longest 15mins of my life.We both just laid there hugged up breathing heavily for almost an hour trying to regain our energy.
"Nick,you hear that?". I whisperd to him. I then grab my panties and put them on fast."Its just the bugs and stuff no big deal".He replied back, all of a sudden Nick got quiet and leaned up ,"I hear people chanting". Nick motioned me to stay down as he checked to see if its safe for us to move. We saw a hurdle of people holding up sticks with fire on it.Nick pointed towards a direction for us to move to.
We didnt know what was going on I was thinking maybe one of the slaves ran away. We ended up running the opposite direction.
We stopped running to catch our breath and to focus on which way we should  go next.He leaned in and hugged me so tight, we had stood there for a bit.We then heard more noises but assumed we were hidden from the commotion.
"I fount them! Guys over here!" Said a man holding his gun at us but mainly towards me.

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