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Three other white males ran over to us as if they were ready to attack. One of the males pulled out a rope and snatched me by the arm.I looked at Nick as I sobbed.He tried telling me that everything was ok, deep down I know it  wouldn't be.I have no clue who these men were and what do they want with me.The male tied the rope around both of my wrist and yanked me up.The other male snatched up Nick and Nick cursed up a storm."Round them up and take them to Mr.Ward!"
Said the guy that was holding his dog back from charging at me.They were taking us to my Papa house.How did they know I was gone? Did Mama wake up and was worried about me?I sobbed even more.I just knew I was dying tonight.I no longer wanted to walk so both men dragged me.All I could hear was "Burn that N*gger!" "Kill her!".The closer we got I could see everyone scattered out on the land ,wondering what was going on.My vision was so blurry from my tears.A line of white people were formed outside of Massa house,some were even on horses. I prayed and prayed.
We  finally arrived in front of Massa house.Beth was standing on the porch with this grin on her face as if this was the day she's been waiting for.Massa walked down the stairs with a look I have never seen on his face before.
One of the males pushed me towards him and said "I fount these two here up in the woods back there". Massa looked at me and cocked his hand back as far as he could and  gave out the hardest back slap that sent me falling to the ground.I heard a high pitch scream crying out through the chanting.Both men picked me up by each arm and had me facing the crowd.I could see Mama trying to fight her way through the crowd to get to me but they were holding her back. "Let my baby go! Pleaseee. Dont hurt her!" My Mama shouted.I heard Massa order them to lock me up.The guy picked me up over his shoulder.I kicked and screamed for my Mama. Mama was reaching her hand out to me from a far.The noise was fading and I saw my mother drop to her knees then her face plopped on the ground.
I kicked,screamed,and cried. The guy moved me from his shoulder and threw me in this huge cage,he took the rope off me then ended up replacing  them with heavy chains that connects from my wrist to my ankles.He walked out and locked the door right up. I cried uncontrollably all night long.I wasnt thinking about sleep,I wondered if my Mama was ok or not.My head kept pounding from thinking too much and my face was still on fire from Papa's hit.I dont even know how long im locked up for or what plans Massa have in store.Massa never had to discipline me so I know its hurting him that he had to.
I laid down and went to sleep just to relieve my headache.Hours passed by and i woke up to a knock. "Eliza! Are you ok in there?".Emily said from outside the cage. I was happy to hear her voice.I scooted up closer and said "Yes im ok. how is my mom doing?". It had gotten real quite.I was thinking that she must've walked away. "She is a strong woman Eliza,Mae is by her side taking real good care of her.Why didnt you tell me you wanted to meet up with Nick lastnight? That couldve been avoided." ,said Emily. "I didn't want to bother you.You have been helping us so much. Do you know why everyone was out there? How did they even know I was gone?". I asked her. "Well Johnny said one of the slaves saw you sneaking off .He then went to your shed and seen you wasnt there.He knocked on our door and told my father you had ran away.Thats when Father had my mom to start up a search and I dont know what was said for all of them to show up like that". She replied and goes on to say..
"You know father gave you a slap on the wrist.You couldve been beaten so badly or killed!Thats what everyone of them wanted father to do with you.They didnt have fire for nothing.It wouldve been a party for them" .
She was right.They cheered and chanted hateful things from what I can remember.We havent had any runaways in a long time,im sure the news was as exciting for them. "Do you think Massa will sell me?" I asked.
"NO! You are my property he cant sell you without my consent.You will be fine.I have to go now but I will check on you later." Said Emily as she walks away.
I felt like an animal chained up in here.I was hot,sweaty,and wasnt smelling too pleasant.I sat and reminisced about Nick and I.If Mama fount out I opened up to him before marriage she would go crazy. A smile appeared upon my face from just the thought of us getting married and having a family.My thoughts were interrupted by keys rattling and the door opens up.
"Get on up. I have to take you somewhere". Said Massa as he waited by the door. I slowly rised from the ground and walked out the door. It felt good to get some fresh air. I held my head down as I followed Massa.All eyes were on me by each person we passed.
We made it up to Massa house. Im not sure whats going on.I cant fold clothes or fix anything with this chain on me.
We finally made it inside. The cool air brushed against my skin.Massa released me from the heavy chains
"Clean yourself up, you"ll find all that you need in the bathroom. HURRY UP! Aint got all day". Massa said to me as he pace back and forth as if something was  bothering him. I enter the bathroom and went straight to the mirror.My eyes were puffy, the right cheek of my face was bruised,a small cut was by my lip,and my hair was everywhere.
I proceeded to the tub and ran it with some nice warm water. I slipped out of my clothes and sat in the tub.I could hear Massa and Beth bickering at eachother but I cant make out what they were saying.Im sure its about me.I hurried up and washed myself before I piss off Massa.
As I get out of the tub and looked through the stack of clothing I noticed its not what Emily would give me to wear.It was clothing that was for field workers. I slid on the dress, wrapped my hair up,and grabbed my clothes from off the floor.
I reported back to Massa, I could feel the tension between him and Beth. Surprisingly she said nothing out of the way but then again that usually happens when no one is around.
"You will get to eat later but for now its best we go visit with your mother". Said Massa.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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