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"Get up child!",Mama Matti yelled at me while getting dressed. I opened my eyes then closed them quick enough for her not to notice."Now I know I said get up Eliza!", I heard my Mama open up the door I knew she was about to find a switch and cut my legs up. I slowly got up from my pallet that was on the floor.I noticed Mama had a warm bucket of water waiting for me.I got undressed and began washing myself.
I can hear Mr.Mudd singing as usual.I love his raspy voice.I bet Mama out there enjoying it too.I begin to hum to the tune."I hope you aint think you was just gon sit up in here all day you's got work to do", Mama said as she walked back in with something wrapped in her hand.
"Massa sent you some biscuit with jelly,you knows to only eat that in here,it taste real nice too". Massa is my Papa, he looks out for me when he can.He sends me treats and sometimes nice clothing that my sister Emily cant fit anymore.He has a Wife name Beth she is aware of me being his child but she doesn't treat me well.
She has her good days,I guess.I then slip into my outfit for the day and bit into the soft jelly biscuit."mmmm...Mama this is good". Mama nods her head and grabs the bucket of water, tossin the water outside. She came back in and looked me up and down."Dont you have somewhere to be? Head on yonder before you get in trouble".I frowned and sipped the water as i feel the biscuit slide down my throat.I hugged and kissed Mama on the cheek and ran out to Massa house.
I saw Massa in the yard talking to a friend of his and I saw this handsome boy that looks around my age 16-18 maybe.He was leaning with his back against the fence.
He looked over at me and kept staring as if he had seen a ghost,I quickly ran inside Massa's house."Look who is here finally!",My sister Emily grabbed me by the arm and we both ran upstairs to her room. "Dont you remember Nick?" She asked while looking out the window. I walked over to the window "No, who is he?" I asked with a confused look.
Emily sat on her bed and lets out this long sigh,"The first boy you ever kissed when you were like 6.They moved back down this way.Maybe you both can redo the kiss!" I started to get butterflies,I begin to think how did I forget who he was? Do he even remember who I am?
"We have to do something to your hair its all over the place,we are having a party tonight and you have to look beautiful",Emily said as she brushes my hair down and adds a cute flower to the side
"Emily! Eliza! Get down here",Massa yelled from downstairs.We both ran down to him."Yes Sir Massa?" I responded as I approached him. "You both remember Nick right? He will be around here more now helping out with the land " Massa smiled as he grips Nick shoulder.Nick kept looking at me and Emily nudges my left side playfully."Welcome back down here Nick its been a long time since we all played together". Said Emily.
Nick looked at Emily,"Feels good to be back here and its nice seeing you two again" he said. Massa opened the door for Nick and himself,"Well we have to get these boys to set up for todays event, Eliza help Mae in the kitchen she sure needs a helping hand". I cursed in my head.I wanted to sneak around and spy on Nick.I cant keep my eyes off of him.I replied"Yes sir Massa I will".
Massa and Nick walked out the door.I screamed with excitement inside.Emily smirked and said "I saw how he looked at you like he wanted to french kiss at that very moment. Well i have to head out with my mom.please dont mess up your hair remember the party today". I nodded my head and went into the kitchen.

Mae was baking up a storm,sweets were everywhere laid out on the table.I wanted to sneak a slice of cake and eat it in the backyard."You need help Ms.Mae?" I asked as I sat down."Snap these here peas". She slides a big silver bowl with peas infront of me but I didnt know how to do that. Ms.Mae looked at me with her hand on her hip shaking her head."You must forget what color yous is? You needs to learn to cook and clean child.When Massa die you will still be black! Wont be in this house all freely doing nothing,Them gone put you to work and beat cha when you do it wrong or dont know how to do it at all. You hear?". I looked down at the peas,Mae grabbed one from the bowl and said "Watch closely cause I cant be babysitting you and cooking at the same time". She showed me how to do it twice "I think I got it now" I said as I snap the rest of the peas.I cant wait to finish up with this task and go outside.I'll even act like im sweeping the porch just to get a good look at Nick again.Whew let me calm down.As im working on the last bit of peas I hear my Papa yell from the yard.
"ELIZA! bring 2 glasses of ice water,be quick!". I jumped up from the table and grabbed two glasses filled both up with plenty of ice cold water.I turned and looked in the mirror to fix my hair.I can feel Ms.Mae giving me the  eye.I avoided making eye contact with her and proceeded to take the water to the front yard."Here you go Massa and Nick".They both grabbed their cup.I tried to hide my smile by looking down."Take these glasses inside and go ahead back home,save the rest of your energy for tonight",Massa said to me while taking his last gulp.I put the glasses on the kitchen cabinet.Mae snatches my hand as I was about to leave.
"Following up behind that boy gone get you in some troubles you see the skin you in",Mae glared at me and slid a cookie in my hand."Thank you for helping with the peas".I didnt know how to respond I gave her a fake smile and left the house.
As Im walking across the field I can see my bestfriend Mary running full speed to me."Eliza! Massa gave us all a break today for this big party he having tonight.Only a few can attend though but we having our own party on our side".She said to me all out of breath."I'll be at Massa party,you can come im sure.The boy that was with him today will be there so I want to see him". I said with a smile.Mary scrunched her face up "That boy not worried about you!we aint nothing but ignorant black people to them,he will never see you more than just someone he can sex and tell you what to do and you cant do nothing about it either". Mary folded up her arms and begins kicking the dirt."You dont know what you're talking about Mary.You dont even know him or what he thinks,not all White people think like that or treat us blacks like that!" I said to Mary. Mary took a deep breath and said "You wouldn't know what its are half black and have a slave owner as a father that rarely lets you lift a finger you wouldn't know how it feels to be black.Mess with him you'll see just how black you really are".I looked at Mary with disgust I couldnt believe my own bestfriend would act this way towards me."I sleep in a shed on the floor like all of you do".I stated as a tear roll down my cheek.Mary rolled her eyes and said "You sleep on cotton covers that were givin to you by Massa".
I stormed off to my house to pass some time.

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