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So when she was done she laid back down. She heard loud bangs of things crashing on to the floor, and people talking. so she cautiously got up and walked to the noise, but as soon as she looked in the living room she was spotted. It was the Police, they wanted someone...
Officer : who are you?
Me:I'm Jessica... Jessica Blaze
Officer: so your the daughter of Marry Blaze?
Me: yes sir.
Officer: do you know where your brother is?
Me: he's gone... I mean gone, gone.
As tears start to flow down my face si speaks softly.
Officer: this place ain't safe you should come with this team we have here....
Me:why not?
Officer: because we are looking for your mom and her mate they did some things... and... I'll... tell you more at the station.
Me: okay... can I grab some things?
Officer: okay be quick your mom will be here any minute.
I rush to my room and grab my dad's old suitcase and dump it and keep only his jacket in there. I get my brothers toy and put it in there. Then I grab the things I need like cloths and things and finally  my phone. I rush down stairs and see the officer is waiting there.
Me: I'm ready...
Officer: okay come with me.
I nod to him yes and he begins to walk and I begin to follow. We walk toward the police car and I get in the front. It's quiet for awhile. Then he speaks.
Officer: you know you can call me Victor.
Me: really?
Victor: yeah, it seems you get treated not well... and you need someone to look apon...
Me: okay, and how did you know that from small little gestures?
Victor: I'm trained, remember. I'm a cop and we are specialized for that kind of work.
Me: true.
Victor: so how do your parents treat you...?
Me: um kinda different...
Victor: hm?
Me: well me and my brother would always get along but when my dad passed... I've been isolating myself, not just my family. But my friends. I don't know how to handle most crap that people throw at me.  And now my brother is gone... I wish he never had that cancer... I loved him he was my only piece of my family that ever treated me like family...
Victor: you do know your mother is a criminal.. and she killed your father because she was having a affair with Ryan for a year now... that's why she moved on so fast... and your brother, it wasn't cancer... Ryan killed him with a chemical that reacts when the person falls asleep.... I'm sorry this all happend.
Me: no I needed to hear this!
I start to cry... my crying was uncontrollable... Victor pulled the car over and gave me a comforting hug and told me
Victor: your okay trust me, it's gonna end well and your family that who you think is gone ain't acctually gone they can see you. And you know you are more than you think... understand.
Me:yeah thank you..
I hug him back. He starts to let go and I sit back properly. He walks to the driver seat and gets Un and starts to drive again.
Me:Thanks for that it's been along time since I've been hugged. The only person who huge me was my dad and brother.
Victor: yeah, anytime you need it just come to me.
For the first time  in months it felt like my dad was there.  And I did not have to worry anymore. After thinking and talking with Victor we pull into the station.
Victor: hey, come on. You can come with me in my office.
Me: okay.
Victor I'll help with your stuff.
Me: thank you
We walk inside and I pull out my phone and try ti turn it on and it's dead... It would be a shock, but it's not, Jasper played it until it was nearly dead... but it's okay.. it's rechargeable. I look in my bag and I don't seem to find my cord...
Me: Victor?
Victor: yeah?
Me: I don't have my cord for my phone.
Victor: here use mine
He hands me the cord
Me: thanks
Victor: no problem, I'm gonna go do some work now so sit and get comfortable.
I Calm down and watch some shows and talk with my friend... After months... I decided to start to talk to people more because I know from Victor that I'm not useless.
I k ow this is longer than the other but eh it's okay right.
Well this is the end of part 4 x3

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