Ch 10: "Execute The Plan"

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I brush my hand up and down Purple Lion's paw as Lucinda walks over with Lance. "Cloud, you know I love you girl, but are you sure Luci will be alright? I mean, he'll be going straight into the tower. What if-"
"Luce..." I start. "I know we're not human, but in the twenty years I've been surrounded by them, they taught me one important lesson. Never fear for a hero's life. Luci will be fine, he's in Clare hands."
Lance seemed to intensify, his hands balling into fists. "Cloud, there's something I need to tell you, but I'm afraid you'll think less of me."
"Guys! The guards are ready and so are the townsfolk!" Shiro calls from the mouth of his Lion. The Black Lion is the biggest Lion of Voltron, only a few feet taller than the Purple Lion.
I turn back to Lance with a sympathetic smile. "Can we talk later? We need to be on time for our plan to work."
"Fine." Lance seems a little upset, like he's heartbroken, but mad at the same time.
Sighing, I lead Luce into the Purple Lion's mouth who cooes softly. 'Who is this?'
"This is Luce. She's alright, Purple. She won't touch anything. Right?" I turn to the other Lycan as I sit down. I hit a key on the dashboard, and Purple throws another chair into the cockpit which literally sweeps Lucinda off her feet.
'Okay, if you say so.'
Holding the control sticks in my hands (yes, we call them hands in out Lycan form), I raise Purple off the ground and she hovers while we wait for our team. Soon enough, we fly into the air and over the wall. "Okay, I think we could just walk, so the Lycan's can see us." I point out, as my people walk through the gates. A few offered to stay behind to protect the castle, as it's the most powerful object on Lamantra.
We walk our Lions through Old Elkwood Plains and towards the tower I used to occasionally call home. "Do you think he figured us out?" Hunk asked, as we stop our Lions. The other Lycan's stay behind a bit behind us, in fear they might get stepped on.
"Not possible." Lucinda shook her head, then she lifted her index fingers to her temples. "He's nearby. I can't exactly say where, as the high tech in here is messing with my magicks." I tell Purple Lion to open her jaw so Lucinda get hop out and track Chase. Seems that she's learnt Tracking Magicks; lucky her.
"Well, well, well." A deep voice chuckles, as a large, dark version of Voltron appears from out of the ground. "What a pleasant family reunion."
I use the Purple Lion's advanced sight to see who it is. "Chase."
"Hello, Little Sister. Why, you've grown so much since I last saw you." He grabs the Black and Blue Lions by the tail, holding them upside down. "Oh my, what do I have here? My little sister's loyal best friend and her sweet boyfriend." Chase groans. "Disgusting."
I growl, using Purple Lion's roar to shut him up. "Let them go!" I plead, on the verge of tears. "Give them back, and I'll hand myself over."
'Paladin, what are you doing?!'
"Day 23, Bond Like No Other." I whisper, and I here a slight roar.
'Great idea. Insist you'll hand me over to. Trust me, I want to save Blue and Black as much as you want to save their paladins. Friendship is key.'
A smirk rises on my face, before I began to fake cry. "I'll do anything! Just let Lance and Shiro go."
"Cloud, this is suicide! You're going to had yourself over?!" Pidge's voice exclaims through the intercom.
Keith then adds, "what are you doing? Don't hand yourself and Purple over like that!"
"Cloud, please..." Hunk says, bare above a whisper.
"I'm sorry, guys." I apologize, steering Purple over to Chase. He lets go of the Lions in his grasp, both trying to stop me and push Purple back to the other Lions. Purple rebels, roaring at both Black and Blue, seemingly in anger. The other Lions bow their heads, causing Lance and Shiro to start yelling. The Purple Lion shoots up into the air, floating in front of the Dark Voltron's face. "What an amazing build." I giggle, starting to win Chase over. Getting bored with him just talking about him building it, I roll my eyes and shout, "guys, you know what time it is!"
"Form Voltron!" Our leader exclaims, and our Lions morph into the large Robot. Purple morphs into the sword and slides  her stiff tail into the mouth of the Green Lion arm. "Cloud, you're the Lycan. What do we do?"
"Pidge, swing me at Chase, it'll push him back which will distract him. We have six against one here. Let's use this to our advantage." I nod, and Pidge makes the Green Lion arm lift into the air.
Chase chuckles, "oh, but you dont know what's coming, Little Sister." He howls loudly, and my eyes turn purple.

Here's a list to the meanings for the eye colour changes to come bad have happened:
Green; mad or about to form into a wolf.
Red; Ultima and Albino Ultima untamed eyes.
Red with Black skull; Challenging the Alpha.
Yellow (normal Lycan's, not any types of Ultimas); Under control by the Alpha.
Purple; Any type of Ultima attempted* at being controlled by the Alpha.

*An Ultima is one of the Cursed Souls of Lamantra, which you will findnour more about later. Cursed Souls are known or be Untamable and hard to control.

I scream in pain, as my eyes flicker between their normal yellow glow to the controlsive purple. "No! I am not going to let you hurt my friends or our people!"
'The Lions are under your control. They will listen to you now. Tell me what to do and I will tell them.' Purple Lion explains. I hit one of the buttons on my dashboard, sending an electrical blast at the Dark Voltron. It sends him back and the Lions start controlling Voltron - I think.
"Guys, I'm not moving Blue." Lance speaks worriedly.
Hunk agrees, "Yellow's qorkin on her own over here!"
'Tell the paladins to stay calm. The other Lions are trying to protect them.'
"Guys!" I shout, and the other paladins go quiet. "Stay calm, your Lions are protecting you. That's why they're working on their own."
'We love you paladins and we love each other just as much. That's why friendship is so important.' Purple adds, obviously wanting me to say the same thing.
I smile to myself, since no one can actually see. "Your Lions love you. And they love each other as much we do with each other. They're like ... A family."
"Wait, even Red?" Keith asks hopefully. "Love you too, Red. Even if I barely show it."
'I thought I was your best friend, Blue!' Purple exclaims, as she must be communicating with the other Lions.

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