Chapter Twenty-Three

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Mirajane started to shakily draw, but she stumbled for a bit.

Erza tried to look steady... well, that was the key word. Tried.

She was just as unbalanced as Mirajane was at the moment.

"You doing alright, Mira?" Erza asked, laughing.

Well, it was a half laugh and a half pant.

"Doing just fine, Erza." The white-haired girl responded, giving her a smile.

The game went for another two rounds before Mirajane drew a card.

Earthquake! All players experience the great shaking of the ground beneath them!

Both the girls tried to balance themselves, but the card's effects tossed them both to the side.

None of them could see the girls until the ground stopped shaking.

They were both lying on the ground.

A moment passed before the announcer started to speak.

"And both girls are down! It ends in a tie!" He shouted loudly.

Both Mirajane and Erza twitched on the ground and tried to climb to their feet, but neither of them were able to.

They both collapsed back down.

They were dragged from the stadium as the crowd cheered loudly.

Cana and Lucy both rush down, somehow passing all the other Fairy Tail members on the way.

They both skid to a stop when they catch sight of their respective Mates.

Cana grabbed onto Mirajane's hand and squeezed it.

Lucy did the same and soon the two girls were roused.

They both shot up with panic before looking at each other.

"Who won?!" They both asked simultaneously.

Cana and Lucy laughed at the two girls.

"It was a tie," Lucy said, chuckling.

Both Erza and Mirajane let out a sigh each.

Cana and Lucy both thought for a moment that they were going to have a rematch right here and now.

Luckily, they were wrong.

"If you hadn't drawn that card, Mira," Erza muttered from her spot.

"Maybe if you hadn't had the deck shuffled earlier," Mirajane responded.

Lucy and Cana were using all of their self-control to not laugh.

"If you hadn't put that trap card on the top of the deck in the first place," Erza sent back.

"If you h-" Cana cut in.

"You two need some rest and this arguing it not helping."

"Yeah! Don't make us separate you two!" Lucy said, only partially joking.

Erza and Mirajane both exchanged a look before they shut up.

"I'm glad you're alright," Lucy whispered, stroking Erza's red hair.

Erza disliked it whenever Lucy did that... but she wasn't exactly in the position to stop her considering how exhausted she had to be right now.

Cana raised an eyebrow as she saw what Lucy was doing.

"That's an interesting idea there, Luce." She said.

Erza glanced up at her girlfriend and rolled her eyes as she continued to 'pet' her as Erza had always put it.

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