chapter 1 ~ Introduction

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"There was a time
when I was alone
Nowhere to go and
no place to call home"

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People watching. A sport Elliot enjoyed most of all, she would play games in her head; giving passer-by's weird voices.

"This beard isn't half itchy" The face of a tall, heavy set man seemed to say, as he hurried along to a flight Elliot, could only guess he was late for.

Although Elliot loved to people watch she couldn't help dreading what other people must have thought of her.

Elliot sat, legs crossed showing off her grey fuzzy socks with cat ears that Sister Helen had gifted her as a belated birthday present, her leggings outlined her figure enough that they were a nice contrast to the velvet knitted, oversized, maroon jumper.

Thin rimmed, golden glasses sat on the tip of her nose. They were falling down more every minutes as Elliot read the book in her lap, she however was too engrossed in the book to realise.

Her blonde hair tied up in a messy bun with baby hairs sticking from all angles, just enough for it to not look too messy. The makeup that usually found its place under her eyes and around her face had been left in her suitcase that day, Elliot would like for people to believe it was because of the flight however anybody that knew Elliot for five minutes knew that she couldn't keep track of her phone let along timings.

Although people around her might think her mind was too engrossed in the book on her lap to pay attention, she was actually too caught up in her own mind telling her to run back and face the steely glares she would receive from the nuns at St Pauls Orphanage for Young Girls.

In that moment Elliot realised,she would much rather say two decades of the Rosary before breakfast everyday untill she was forty than be in that airport. But she couldn't go running back now, tail between her legs begging the nuns to forget about her criticism of their beliefs and for pointing out Sister Catherine's rather prominent moustache.

No, Elliot thought ,she had to go. To face the man that she thought of frequently even though she doubted he thought of her mother more than once a year.

No matter how hard she tried, Elliot always struggled to think of a time where her mother wasn't sick, although Elliot knew those times were the best years of Elizabeth Barnes' life.

The times before she had a child to care for, the times when she could go to a pub and get any man she wanted with a shake of the hips and a sly smile. However, they were only memories, memories she longed to relive and,no matter how hard she fought against it, when Elizabeth looked at Elliot she couldn't help but be repulsed by what the girl had cost her, her life.

Elizabeth would come and go from Elliots life frequently, so when at 5:30pm on a Sunday in March when Sister Helen (the only nun Elliot mildly liked in the whole convent) called her out of evening mass to tell her the terrible news of her mother's passing, Elliot walked right back into mass ,genuflecting then kneeling down to join the rest of the congregation with only one tear shedding for her departed 'mother'.

Now here Elliot sat, the voice of Alec Benjamin in one ear, the other listening for a flight number. her paperback book had been placed in her bag as she sat back to breathe and think of all the information she had gathered from Sister Helen before leaving.

Elliot now stood in line her heart racing as she prepared for the long journey to a life that could chew her up and spit her out.

She had managed to pay for a ticket with the little money her mother had left her, this was her only chance.

Sat in the middle of a young girl, crying because of the cabin pressure, and an elderly man, who was miraculously already asleep, Elliot closed her eyes; gripped the arm rests as the plane took off into the air, then plugged in her head phones to fall asleep.

She was on a plane to her future.

She was on a plane to America, more specifically LA to find somebody.

She was on a plane to find her dad.

She was on a plane to find Jason Nash

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Hello, this is my first real fanfiction that I don't plan on taking down right now so yay.
I do have ideas for this but if you have any ideas you would like to see in this story don't keep them brewing please tell me and i will try my hardest to get them in :)

Updates might be consistent i haven't decided yet

Fruity xx

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