Chapter Six

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Tony wheels Peter into the operating room where his team of doctors is waiting. Tony then lifts Peter out of the wheelchair as one of the nurses moves to wheel it away. Tony then lays the teen down onto the hospital bed and runs a hand through his sweaty curls.
"Hey Peter." Bruce says quietly. "Tony needs to go get changed real quick, alright?" Peter looks up at his mentor with a panicked expression. What happened to 'I'll be with you the whole time'?
"Nothing is going to happen while I'm gone." Tony assures. "Brucie will take care of you while I'm gone."
"Okay." Peter agrees, relaxing once more. Bruce smile down at the sick teenager. The doctor grabs a hairnet that Peter needs to wear, stretches it over the brown curls.
"Looking good." Bruce comments with a chuckle. Peter giggles as Bruce rubs his chest soothingly. Tony then bursts through the doors wearing his pale blue scrubs.
"What do you think?" He asks with a smile.
"I think Bailey wears it better." Bruce quips. Tony gasps and holds a hand to his chest in mock offense.
"My self esteem. You wound me Brucie." Tony says dramatically. "I guess my playboy days are over." He sighs exaggeratedly and walks over to Peter. Peter smiles as he looks up at his mentor. Tony smiles back and sets a hand on Peter's stomach. "You ready, kid?"
"I guess." Peter mumbles.
"Then let's get this show on the road." Tony yells with the wave of his hand. Bruce comes over with an IV needle and stand and looks at Peter.
"It's just a quick little prick and then it's over." Bruce explains while grabbing Peter's left hand. Tony starts rubbing Peter's stomach as a way of comfort and moves Peter's head towards him. "All done." Bruce announces. "Now we just need to wait a few minutes for the meds to kick in." True to Bruce's word, Peter starts to feel less and less pain in his stomach. Tony notices Peter starting to relax an looks over at Bruce. "Do you feel anything Peter?" Bruce asks while pushing down on Peter's stomach.
"Only pressure." Peter confirms.
"Good." Bruce says happily. Dr Cho comes over and hangs a curtain that drapes over Peter's chest. (So he can't see what they're doing) Bruce folds the bottom of his gown up, and places another sheet over his legs. Helen then places an oxygen mask over Peter's nose and mouth and smiles down at him. She then moves to the other side of the curtain while Tony grabs Peter's hand.
"You're so brave." Tony praises. "So strong." Tony places his other hand on Peter's other hand which was holding on to his new bear tightly.
"Okay." Bruce says while pulling up his medical mask. "We're ready."
"So are we." Tony confirms. Peter looks up at Tony with watery eyes.
"I'm not brave." Peter whimpers. "I'm scared." Peter's breath hitches. "I-I'm scared D-Mr Stark." Tony pretends not to hear the slip up in his title, he just looks down at the boy who looks so much younger lying on this operating table.
"It's okay to be scared, buddy." Tony reasons. "You have every right to be scared. But everything is going to alright. We'll take good care of you." After a little hesitation, Tony plants a kiss to Peter's forehead and continues to talk to him throughout the operation.
"What are we going to tell May?" Peter asks later on in the conversation.
"I called her, she's stuck in the snow. She said she feels better knowing that your here and safe." Tony responds. Peter winces as he feels the medication start to wear off. "What's wrong?" Tony asks, concerned.
"I-I think the meds are wearing off." Peter stutters. Tony nods understandingly and asks Bruce to "up the meds."
"We're just stitching him up." Bruce explains.
"You hear that Pete?" Tony says excitedly. "You're all done."
"Good." Peter mumbles. After Bruce and Helen finish stitching up the super teen, they wheel his bed into his room.
"You did so good, baby." Tony says sweetly. Peter blushes as Tony smooths back his still sweaty bangs. "You can call me dad, you know." Tony says, Peter blushing as Tony brings up his slip up from before. "'Cus you're my kid, and I love you to so much, Peter."
"Love you too...Dad." Peter responds testing out the title with a smile followed by a yawn.
"Why don't you take a nap?" Tony suggests. "You look tired."
"Good idea." Peter mumbles before closing his eyes. All he feels is Tony's hand running through his hair, and he's out like a light.

This is still a little cringy, but that's okay ❤️‍🔥
-XOXO spiderxmarvel

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