Chapter 4

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"Okay, so maybe I should have believed you when you said you were fake dating Taylor. It's just the whole thing seems like something from a fanfiction." Riley said as he and Karlie walked through the halls. As Karlie made her way down the hallway students stared at her. Boys and girls alike checked her out.

That was funny. Ever since she had started fake dating Taylor,  everyone had suddenly became  interested. Riley took notice to this. "You're like a sapphic goddess now." He said. Karlie's cheeks turned red. "Not exactly. I'm not actually gay." Karlie said more so trying to convince herself. Riley chuckled at this statement. "Whatever you say Karls." He replied.

The rest of the school day had gone amazing. People were actually speaking to Karlie as a human being and not someone  to make fun of. She got multiple offers to sit at different lunch tables, some girls had even asked her out. She found this ridiculous considering she was supposed to be dating Taylor and they knew that.

Karlie stepped inside the house, tossing her book bag down. "Is she here?" She heard her mom ask from the kitchen. "What?" Karlie asked in confusion making her way into the home. Suddenly her father appeared into view wearing an angry look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Karlie asked looking around awkwardly. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Her father asked. "Excuse me?!" Karlie replied growing annoyed by his tone. "What the hell is this I hear about you being gay?!!" He shouted. Karlie's mother suddenly appeared into view with a worried expression on her face. "Kurt please.." she started. "Don't silence me! News travels fast. I'm at work and I'm hearing about you making out with the Swifts' daughter in the middle of the school hallway!" Kurt bellowed startling Karlie.

"Dad please, it was just—" "FUCKING DISGUSTING! That's what it is! I've always supported you being different. So what if she dresses that way? It's just clothes. But little did I fucking know it would come to this!!" He shouted. Karlie could feel tears swelling in her eyes. "Sweetheart, we just want what's best for you. I'm sure you can find a nice boy that would love to go out with you." Karlie's mother said.

Karlie couldn't tell them the truth. That the relationship was fake. None of it would make sense. She didn't know what to say. "You've turns this family into a joke!" Her father shouted knocking over a vase and startling them both when it shattered against the floor. "Dad I—" "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY SIGHT!" He shouted.

Completely shaken by his outburst, Karlie retreated up the stairs to her room. Her eyes were flooding with tears. She hadn't thought of what her home life would be like after this.

Karlie woke up to a buzz from her phone. She sat up taking a look at the text. It was from Riley. It read "Come down loser. We're going to the Drive In tonight." Karlie smiled at the text looking out the window. She spotted Riley parked outside of her house standing by his car. They looked at each other breaking into a laugh. He motioned for her to come down.

A sea of cars were parked in front of the screen. Most filled with friends or couples. An old 1950s song played from the speakers as everyone waited for the previews to start.

Riley and Karlie sat in Riley's car. They had been chatting for a while. Karlie was happy she had gone out with Riley. She needed after the showdown with her parents. Well, her father mostly. "I'm sorry your parents suck." He said sympathetically. "It's okay." Karlie replied sadly. "I get to pretend date Taylor—" A smirk formed on Riley's face. "Which is awesome because it's gotten people off my back." Karlie quickly put out.

"Suuure! That's totally the main reason as to why you're happy with this arrangement." Riley said sarcastically. "Fuck you." Karlie laughed playfully hitting him on the shoulder. "The truth will set you free." Riley laughed dodging her next playful  hit.

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