Chapter 8

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The damage from the storm wasn't as bad as they had thought. However one of the town's from two towns over was hit badly. Luckily Tanner had no idea that Karlie was with Taylor during the storm. He had been asleep the whole time. By the time they came back after being discovered he was still asleep. Thank goodness. She did not want to try to explain that.

"Relax! Me nor that guy I was with are going to tell about your fuck session with Ta-" "SHHHH!" Karlie shushed him as her cheeks turned red. Riley and Karlie made their way into the classroom taking their seats. "Hey, what are you doing this weekend?" Riley asked her.

"Nothing. Why?" Karlie asked. "Well, my parents said we could stay at the beach house by Lake Michigan. I'm bringing Zach along. I was wondering if—" "We'll be there!" A familiar voice said suddenly interrupting the rest of what he was going to say. Karlie turned around and faked a smile. It was Tanner. The smile on Riley's face deteriorated turning into a look of horror.

This confused Karlie. "What's wrong?" She mouthed. Riley shook his head turning around. "Wooohoo beach trip!" Tanner cheered. Karlie gave him another fake smile. This would be interesting.

Karlie's parents let her go on the beach trip. Of course they did because Tanner was coming. They wanted her to spend as much time with him as possible. They thought it would "cure" her.

"We're so glad she's spending time with you. I can tell she likes you." Karlie's mother had told him. Tanner smiled at this placing an arm around Karlie. "I'm glad to hear that." He smiled. Karlie returned the smile. However, she couldn't get a certain blonde off of her mind.

They drove down the road along the beach. Riley was in the driver's seat while Zach was in the passenger's. Karlie sat in the back seat with Tanner. In My Dreams by Kali Uchis played on the radio. Karlie gazed up at the stars.

She felt bad but she wished she could have brought someone else with her along on this trip instead. She missed the girl. Everything about her. Her touch, smile, her voice, her kiss, her body....She quickly shook away the thought. She would try to enjoy this trip. It was a mini vacation after all.

The beach house was gorgeous. Karlie had expected it. Riley's parents were pretty well off. There was a perfect view of Lake Michigan. "Mi casa su casa bitches!" Riley shouted making his way up to the house.

The inside was beautiful. Large windows and bohemian decor filled the home. A large flat screen hung from the wall in the living room. "There are four bedrooms. Master bedroom is ours of course." Riley smiles winking at Zach who blushed. Karlie had only known Zach for a short time but he seemed really sweet but quiet. And he must have been pretty special if Riley invited him here.

Zach let Riley lead him upstairs. "Come on babe. Let's go pick out our room." Tanner said excitedly. He motions for her to follow as he makes his way upstairs with the bags. Karlie smiled following him up.

Tanner stood in the mirror flexing his muscles. Karlie rolled her eyes. He had been doing this for 30 minutes. He was shirtless and only wore pajama bottoms. Her stomach churned at the idea of having to sleep with him. She sat in the large bed close to the edge wanting to be as far away from him as she could when he got in.

"Hey babe how do they look?" He asked turning to face Karlie flexing them even more. She wanted to die. She wish she could sleep in one of the other bedrooms. He was getting on her nerves but she gave him a smile. "Amazing." Karlie lied. "I knew you'd say that!" Tanner replied turning back to stare at himself in the mirror. Karlie rolled her eyes.

She suddenly heard the sound of the door bell. Who could this be? They were at Riley's beach house. Had he invited someone else? "Who the fuck is that?" Tanner asked. Karlie climbed out of bed left  the room. "Coming!" She heard Riley say making his way down the stairs. She followed him in curiosity.

He turned around seeing Karlie behind him. "I'm so sorry. If I had any idea he'd be here, I wouldn't have invited her." He said. This confused Karlie. "Who?" She asked. Her question was immediately answered when the door swung open revealing Taylor wearing a white and red polka dot crop top and red high waisted shorts. Her hair was up in a ponytail and she wore a bandana as a headband.

Karlie's jaw dropped in shock. "Taylor!!" Riley greeted pulling her into a hug. "Fuck" Karlie muttered under her breath. She couldn't believe what was happening. When Taylor's eyes fell on hers she suddenly escaped from her worried thoughts. She was transfixed on the girl. "Hey there Kare Bear!" Taylor said placing her bags down, walking up to the girl, and placing her arms around her shoulders.

The close proximity was already making Karlie's heart race. Before she knew it Taylor's lips were on hers. It was as if Karlie forgot where she was. Taylor deepened the kiss moaning into Karlie's mouth. God she tasted amazing. "Who's that?" Tanner asked from upstairs. Karlie's eyes widened as she quickly pulled away from Taylor. She tried the best to remove the red lipstick that had gotten on her mouth.

Within a few moments a shirtless Tanner appeared into view. Taylor seemed shocked to see him. Tanner on the other hand seemed angry. "Oh hell no!" Tanner shouted making his way down the stairs. "What the fuck is she doing here?!" Tanner asked angrily. "Tanner please. It's no—" "I'm sorry Karlie. I wanted to tell you." Riley said scratching the back of his neck nervously. "I was originally going to invite you and Taylor." He whispered to both of them without Tanner hearing.

"I was invited. What about you?" Taylor snapped back. "I was also invited!" Tanner shouted. "Actually you weren't." Riley replied. There was an awkward silence before Tanner spoke again. "Well, I'm here now. And she better stay the fuck away from my girlfriend!" He warned glaring at Taylor.

Taylor smirked at him. "Hey Karlie, can you help me take my bags to my room?" Taylor asked innocently. Karlie's cheeks turned red. "She will not!!" Tanner hissed grabbing Taylor's bags and bringing them upstairs. "I am so s-Sorry." Riley said looking at both Taylor and Karlie. His voice cracked as if he was holding back a laugh. He quickly made his way upstairs.  Taylor began making her way up the stairs.

Karlie couldn't help but watch her walk up. She had a body carved by the gods themselves. She turned around to look down at Karlie who she noticed was staring. "How's the view from down there?" Taylor teased giving her a wink. Karlie thought she would melt. The girl truly amazed her. How she could go from being sweet to seductive in a second was utterly fascinating. This would be an interesting couple of days.

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