These Hearts Will Be Flooded Tonight

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"Thank you Vancouver! You've been amazing!" I call, giving one last bow and blowing a few more kisses before running off stage. I stop in the hallway between the stage and my dressing room, my hands on my knees as I try to catch my breath, a huge smile still on my face.

"Hey Tay" Ed's voice comes from behind me and I stand up quickly, spinning around. I trip over my own feet and nearly fall over but Ed catches me

"Woah, careful!" I laugh at Ed's protective tone and lightly kiss his cheek.

"I'm just going to change, are you coming to Club Red?" I ask, pulling my hair into a messy ponytail

"Definitely, I saw lots of sheerios out there" Ed winks at me and I giggle, shoving him lightly.

"See you in there I guess" I turn and walk into my dressing room. I close the door and lean against it, catching my breath again but for a completely different reason.

I walk into Club Red and a couple people scream, I laugh and make my way over to three girls in the corner. One of them is tall and thin with dark brown hair and lots of freckles. She's wearing an Ed Sheeran shirt but the heart shaped glasses on her head and the 13 on her hand show her swifty-ness. The look on her face is so awkward that it almost makes me laugh, it reminds me so much of Ed. Next to her is a girl who could only be her sister, she's slightly shorter and not quite as thin, with long blonde curls and braces, she holds a big sign and she smiles as I approach. The last girl, is short with really long, light brown hair and a Taylor Swift shirt tucked into her high waisted skirt.

"Hi girls" I say cheerfully, giving them each a hug

"Hi" the blonde girl responds while her friends mumble shyly

"Do you girls want a picture?" I ask after I sign a few things for them, they nod and we snap a few pictures. I give them each another hug and say goodbye.

I continue to circulate Club Red, hugging fans, taking pictures and signing everything from posters to arms. At one point I look over and see Ed talking to the three girls who I first talked to, they look giddy with excitement and I laugh quietly to myself.

After an hour, Ed and I leave, waving to everyone and blowing kisses (well, I blow kisses). The two of us head out of the stadium to the busses and I unlock the door to mine

"You wanna come watch a movie?" I ask Ed, standing on the top step. My mind races as the words come out of my mouth, I want him to say yes so badly.

"Always!" Ed smiles and bounces up the stairs after me, I sigh happily and open the door, I flick the lights on and jump onto the couch, startling Meredith and knocking over a glass of water in the process, Ed laughs and I mentally curse my intense clumsiness as I sop up the puddle of water with a towel (Ed is still too busy laughing at me)

"Jerk" I mutter, throwing the soaked towel at him

"Aw, love, I'm sorry. Look, what do you want to watch?" He's still laughing a little bit and I can't help but join in

"I don't know, you choose" I yawn and settle down on the couch while Ed looks at my movie collection, finally he pops one in and settles down next to me, putting his arm around my shoulders as the opening credits for The Avengers start. I glance at Ed's arm and settle into him more. God, he feels so good next to me.

I guess my feelings for Ed first surfaced around the time the tour started but I was still dating Harry so I pushed them away but they've only grown stronger with all the time we spend together. I feel excited when I think about kissing him, I feel sparks every time he touches me and he often flits through my dreams, I guess you could say I have a full on middle school crush on the one and only Ed Sheeran.


Thanks so much to FearlessinLove for encouraging me to post this and helping me get my confidence back, you're truly amazing :)

(Yes, a Sweeran fanfic. Fucking deal okay?)

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