Epilogue: Everything Has Changed

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5 years. 5 years since the wedding, 3 years since our daughter, Katy was born and 6 months since Summer was born. In short: five years since my life became complete.

"Hey love" Ed says, rolling over and kissing me
"Hey" I murmur, a huge smile on my lips
"Happy five year anniversary" he kisses me again.
"We really should get up" I murmur, pressing my lips against his for a last time before swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. Ed grabs me around the waist and pulls me back.
He kisses my neck and I moan quietly into his hair.
"Ed, stop" I breathe and he pulls away
"It's our anniversary" he pouts, flopping back on his pillow
"I know it is, which is why we should wait until tonight. I need to go get the kids anyway" I kiss him quickly and head downstairs.

3 years ago, when Katy was born, Ed and I stepped away from our careers a bit, we still record and release albums occasionally but we don't tour, we rarely appear on television and we try to keep the kids lives as normal as possible.
We moved to Framlingham last year so we could be near Ed's parents, plus it's a small town which means little to no paparazzi. We love our life, we love our kids, we love each other.

So here's the epilogue. Short but sweet :)
Thank you all so much for reading this, I can't believe MY story has over 2k reads. I love you all and I can't wait for you to read my next story. It should be up sometime soon
I love you!
xx Sage

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