Float down, like autumn leaves

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December starts in a rush of Frank Sinatra Christmas carols and elaborate Christmas cookies. Ed and I are staying in my little Nashville apartment but we spend nearly every evening at my parents house for supper.
"Tay! Come look! It's snowing!" Ed calls, the morning of December fifteenth. I giggle and sit up to see Ed with his face pressed up against the glass and a big smile on his lips.
"Love, it's not that unusual" I say, wrapping the duvet around my shoulders. Ed looks over at me and grins again
"I know, but I love it anyways" he comes over and sits next to me on the bed, wrapping his arms around me. I relax against him
"You want some breakfast?" I ask, yawning and he nods eagerly
"Can you make cinnamon swirl pancakes?" he pleads
"Yes but we have to invite Abigail because those are her favourite too" I say and stand up. I pull on a pair of winter patterned leggings and an oversized, grey sweater. I pull a pair of thick woolen socks on and head downstairs.

"Hey Abi" I say into the phone, cracking and egg against the side of the bowl
"Tay! You're in Nashville!" she exclaims excitedly, I can practically hear her dancing around
"Yes, I'm actually calling to invite you over for breakfast" I laugh
"Only if you're making cinnamon pancakes"
"Why else would I invite you?"
"I'll be there in 10"
I laugh and hang up the phone as Ed comes into the kitchen
"Is she coming?" he asks, sitting on the counter
"Yes and get your butt off my counter" I say, scooping some batter into the hot frying pan.
Ed and I talk about christmas plans as I make heaps of pancakes while he watches creepily (just kidding).
As I finish off the last of the batter, someone knocks on the door
"I'll get it!" Ed screams, leaping over to the door. I laugh and pull the platter of pancakes out of the oven.
"Tay!" I hear Abi scream and I turn around to see her running at me. I open my arms and we embrace.
"I missed you so much!" I say once we break apart
"I missed you too." She says as we all sit down at the table

We all eat our pancakes and chat about what we've been up to while snow continues to fall steadily outside the window.
"So Tay" Abi says, once she's finished her third helping of food "you have a new boyfriend and you didn't tell me" Ed and I blush
"I'm sorry Abi,i actually haven't really told anyone" I tug nervously at my curls
"It's fine" she laughs "but you do have to tell the public eventually"
"Yeah, I guess that's right" I say, looking at Ed. He nods
"We'll get around to it soon" he says and we head to the living room to relax and chat.
Ed lights a fire in my fireplace and we sit around on cushions, we reminisce, mostly telling Ed stories about us when we were in middle/high school. At one point, Ed leans over and plants a light kiss on the tip of my nose. I hear the sound of a phone camera. I look at Abi curiously.
"Sorry! You two are just so damn cute"
"Show me" I say and she hands me the phone. The picture is adorable. My eyes are half closed and a slight smile is playing on my lips. Ed's eyes are open and a look of perfect adoration is clear. "That's adorable" I sigh "send it to me?" Abi nods and takes her phone back. My phone buzzes on the table. I open the text and save the photo to my camera roll and then open Instagram. I post the picture with the caption "I'm truly, blissfully happy right now". I show Ed and he smiles
"Perfect" he murmurs and kisses me.

At 3:30 we drive to my parents house (with Abi in the back seat, like a child as Ed said). As we pull into the driveway, there's a 'thunk' and snow is spattered across the windshield
"Austin!" I yell, getting out of the car. Thump. A snowball hits me dead in the stomach.
"Oh it is so on!" I yell, bending over to scoop up some snow, I whip the ball at Austin and it hits him square in the shoulder
"Ha!" I scream
"You're gonna wish you never did that!" Austin warns "Ed come over and help me! Boys versus girls!" Ed gives me an apologetic look and runs over to Austin. I glare at him.
"Taylor! Come help me make snowballs" I rush over and help Abi form the rough spheres.
After a good ten minutes of our snow war, I chuck a snowball at Ed and it misses
"Haha! missed me, missed me, now you gotta kiss me!" Ed sings
"Gladly!" I call back and he beckons me over. I lean in as if to kiss him but at the last second I push him so he falls on his butt. I grab a handful of snow and rub it all over his face. After this, our snowball fight sort of deteriorates into a face wash war.

"Kids, I made cider" my mom calls eventually and we troop into the house, sopping wet and cold but with big smiles on our red faces.
"Go get changed and then you can have your cider" my mom ushers us up the stairs and we all change.  (Ed borrows Austin's stuff and Abi borrows mine) before settling down around the table with steaming mugs of hot apple cider to soothe our cold fingers.
Ed drapes his arm around my shoulder and kisses my cheek
"Love you Tay"
"Love you too" I murmur back

Hey guys :) I hope you like this chapter, I think it's longer than the usual ones but idk. I'm not sure how much longer this story is gonna be, probably 4 or 5 chapters and an epilogue but I don't know. When I do finish this book, I'm planning on writing another fanfic, it'll either be a sweeran fanfic set in the 1950s or some other sweeran fic. I don't know! if you have any ideas, tell me :)
xo Sage

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