Things were all good yesterday

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I wake up in an empty bed and a silent house. I sit up quickly and glance over to Ed's side of the bed. A piece of paper sits folded on his pillow. I pluck it off and unfold it, taking in his messy scrawl

Dear Taylor,

I love you more than you can possibly know and that's why it was so hard to tell you this. I have to leave for three months. I'm working on my new album and doing promo stuff. I'm sorry. I tried so many times to tell you this but it just wouldn't come out. I love you! please call me as soon as you get this, I love you.

Love, love, love,


When I finish reading the letter, there are tears splashing down my cheeks and blurring the ink on the letter. I clumsily grab my phone and click on Ed's contact. He picks up on the first ring.

"Taylor?" he says, sounding breathless

"Y-yes" I sob out

"I love you. I'm so sorry" he sounds so sincere and sad

"I know, I love you too. it's okay" I say, as bravely as possible

"We can FaceTime everyday" he says and I nod before realizing he can't see me

"Yeah, we can handle this"

"Of course. I love you, I'll talk to you as soon as my plane lands"

"Okay, I love you too" I whisper and hang up. I sit on my bed, my arms around my knees, still crying quietly.

I eventually get up and pull on one of Ed's shirts, taking in his smell and head to the kitchen. I plug my phone into the docking station, playing some Frank Sinatra.

I sing along quietly as I make coffee and toast. I sit at the island, sipping my coffee and trying to focus on my novel (Wuthering Heights) but I'm mostly thinking about Ed and how long these three months are going to be. I eventually close my book and just sit, staring into space and quietly whispering the lyrics to Some Enchanted Evening. I suddenly feel a warm tear slip down my cheek. I hastily wipe it away and pick up my phone to text Selena.

T- hey Selena! you free today?

It takes her 2 minutes to respond

S- yeah! you want me to come over and hang out?

T- yes please!

S- K see ya in 30

I quickly brush my teeth and hair, do my make up and get dressed in jeans and a tshirt. I decide to make cookies for us and I'm nearly done when I hear a knock on the door

"I'll be there in a sec!" I call, sliding the pan into the oven and setting the timer. I brush my floury hands off on my apron and dash to the door, yanking it open

"Selena!" I cry and pull her into a tight hug

"Tay Tay!" she laughs and hugs me back "how've you been?"

"Pretty good. I have lots to tell you though" I pull her inside and lead her to one of the big L shaped couches, we settle down, sitting cross legged, facing each other.

"So, tell me, what's been going on?" Selena asks immediately

"Well" I smile lightly and push my hair behind my ear "Ed and I kind of have started dating"

"WHAT?!?!" Selena shrieks

"Yep" I giggle and tuck my hair behind my ears

"That's insane, are you happy?" she asks, grabbing my hand

"Yeah, blissfully. Other than the fact that he's going to be away for three months..." I end up whispering the last bit

"Oh Tay" Selena sighs "I'm sorry"

"It's okay, I'm fine" she gives me a look "well, I'm sort of fine" Selena smiles again.

"Do you wanna watch some Grey's Anatomy?" she asks, picking up the remote

"Obviously" I say and settle back on the couch enjoying the world of Meredith Grey and all the others on my flatscreen.


Yeah... plot twist! and I'm sorry it's so short :/ I hope you all had a lovely week though!

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