The Boy I Met At Wallmart

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Chapter 1: I'm Such An Embarrassment To The Human Race.


Damn it! We're out of cookies! How am I supposed to go on the day without my daily intake of cookies? This is an outrage! An abomination I tell you! Yes, your probably thinking: "This girl is nuts!" But if you have a love for cookies as big as the universe you would probably understand. Don't worry cookies, mama's coming to get you.

"Mom! We're out of cookies!" I bellowed, almost making the house shake.
"Money is in the kitchen! Knock yourself out!" She called from upstairs. And that's why I love you mom. I grabbed the money from the counter and made my way over to Walmart.


"Dylan, your coming with me to do some shopping." Mom said pulling me into the car. She mumbled something about bonding with your kids and all that bullcrap.
"What? No!" I barked yanking my arm away from her.
"Your coming with me, weather you like it or not." She spat.
"But I-"
She cut me off by giving that death glare, and it scared the shit out of me. I clamped my mouth shut and obediently sat in the car. My reputation is going to be spoiled tonight all because of my mom. Let's just hope I don't see anyone from school...


Here we are! Mama's here! I can almost here them jumping for joy. I made my way over to the cookie section when I saw Jade walking over to me. She must be on her shift. Due to her Dad leaving her Mom, her Mom has stopped working and comes home drunk every night. Poor Jade has to work her ass off at three jobs so that she can take care of the bills.

"Sup Jade." I said grinning.
"Sup bff." She said smirking.
"I have something to tell you." She whispered.
"What?" I asked intruged.
"See that hot guy over there? He's been staring at you this whole time." She said nodding over to the tall boy staring at me intensly.

I looked at his profile; He had ocean green eyes and messy, tousled brown hair. He was tall and lean and judging by his looks, to say he was unattractive I would be lying to myself. Every girl in the store were either gawking at him or drooling all over their trolleys. Even the old lady at the counter was staring.

A few girls went over to him giggling and twirling their hair flirtatiously. He didn't take notice of them and he kept his eyes focused on me, looking at me. from head to toe. I felt like he was picking out all my flaws my insecurities and I suddenly felt very insecure about myself. I could've sworn I saw an eyebrow of his twitch upwards as he looked at me.

Whatever, I don't even know this guy I probably won't see him ever again. I picked up my babies and made my way over to the counter. But I didn't know where I was going because I was too busy looking into those ocean green eyes of his. I body-slammed into a stack of apples and landed face first on the floor. Heat creeped up my cheeks and my cheeks blushed crimson in embarrassment.

I heard a chuckle escape from his plump lips and God, was it sexy! But I realised he was laughing at me and I blushed even deeper. Jade ran over to me to see if I was okay.
"Your such a fucking clutz you know that?" She said giggling.
Yeah, I am. I'm such an embarrassment to the human race.

The Boy I Met At WalmartWhere stories live. Discover now