Chapter 3: A Very Pink Face Aurora.

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Chapter 3:

"Please! With a cherrie on top!" I rolled my eyes at Zane's reply.

"Ok, fine. I'll sneak out the house somehow." I sighed at the last part. Confused? Allow me to enlighten you. Jade and Zane are both my best friends, we are like the golden trio in Harry Potter with Ron, Harry and Hermione.

Jade and Zane have both been bugging me to come burger king today and my strict Dad, wouldn't allow me. So, I finally gave in to them because, who wants to see their sappy little puppy dog faces?

"Yes! I'll tell Jade!" He chirped hanging up the phone. I could almost see that goofy smile of his through the phone if that's even possible. I grumbled a strand of curses under my breath as to how I'm going to sneak out. I flopped back onto my bed. My thoughts wondered off into it's own world and then they trailed right back to the boy I met at Walmart and the weird thing/person that was watching me. The mere thought of it just gives me goose bumps.


"I really need to get a car..." I mumbled to myself as I watched out the bus window. I saw someone familiar walking down the road; Ocean green eyes, brown tousled hair, tall, lean- Hang on! That's him! I kept my eyes on him as he crossed the road and he turned around to look for any cars that were passing by and he caught my eye.

My heart literally stopped beating at that point.

A glint of mischief sparked in his eyes as his smirk grew wider with pleasure. I felt heat creep up on my cheeks and I realised I was blushing. I turned my head away flustered and got off my stop.

I saw Zane waving his hand frantically and Jade grinning.

"Finally you made it!" Jade said slapping my back a little too hard.

"Yeah. Luckily Dad was at work so I just got out the house without any trouble."

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go."

We entered Burger King and smell of chicken and buns wafted into my nose and the clatter of children and adults chatting droned in my ears. Zane and Jade went and looked for seats while I ordered the food.

Sighing, I stood in the queue about nine people in front of me. Well this line is really short. There it is again. I felt the constant burn on my back as someone watched me intensly. My heart rate picked up as I searched my surroundings frantically. But all I saw was the crowd of Adults mingling and waiting in line. Has that boy put a curse on me or something? I need to see a therapist...


Shoot! She almost saw me. I watched her as she stood waiting in line, her wavy brunette hair that was curled into natural ringlets cascaded down past her shoulder blades and stopped at the small of her back. Her floral dress flowed left to right as she moved, making her more graceful and angelic.

What's wrong with you Dylan?! Snap out of it! I can't, something about her... I don't know, she's just so... Captivating. Your Dylan! Dylan the guy who doesn't get into relationships! The voice in my head echoed, pulling me out of my trance of the brunette girl. I ran my hands through my tousled hair, sighing as I did so. Something is really wrong with me. Im stalking a girl. Yep, something is definitely wrong.


Urgh! Hurry up already! How long does it take to get food on a flipping tray?! (Sorry about my mood, I get angry when I'm hungry.) It's been almost 15 minutes and I'm next in line. I felt that stare again and turned my head to the left. Suprise, suprise, if it isn't the boy I met at Walmart. His face tinted a faint pink in embarrassment. Feeling abashed, he flickered his eyes and avoided my gaze. I felt a giggle bubble up from my throat but I held it in because I didn't want to make the poor guy embarrassed more than he already was.

So he was the culprit huh? A hot guy stalking me... I've got quiet a catch. Finnally! It was my turn to order and the lady asked me what I wanted to order and I told them what Zane, Jade and I wanted.

"That'll be $10.00 please." The lady at the counter said.

I fumbled in my purse looking for the money. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment as I knew I was holding up the line. The Boy on my left chuckled as he saw me struggle to find the money. I heard groans and sighs from the people behind me, indicating that they were annoyed.

"I have it, I know I do..." I mumbled to myself as I fumbled deeper into my handbag.

"I got it." The boy said slapping the $10.00 on the counter. He grinned and flashed me a wink, and walked off leaving a very pink face Aurora.

The Boy I Met At WalmartWhere stories live. Discover now