Chapter 4: Goodytoeshoes

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I walked away, my head hung low in embarrassment. "Thats so embarrassing! Why should I have someone pay for my food?" I mumbled to myself.

"What happened to you?" Zane said eyeing me wearly.

"Yeah, your face looks like a tomatoe." Jade

Said mirroring Zane's actions.

"It's kinda hot in here. Don't ya think?" I fibbed, pretending to fan myself.

"Nope it's just you." Zane replied, flashing me a suspicious glance. Jade did the same, but they both decided to drop it. I held back a sigh.

I slumped into my seat and placed the food tray on to our table.

"Did you guys hear about Layla's Party?" Jade said, whilst munching on her vedgy burger.

"Is it that rich chick with the brunnet hair?" Zane asked taking a bite off his burger.

"Yeah, her." Jade replied.

"I heard her Parties are really wild though." I chipped in intruged by our convo.

"Yeah, they are. But that's what makes them awesome." Jade said smirking.

"And it just so happens that, she invited us." Jade said her smirk growing wider.

"No,no,no,no, N-O" I said whilst shaking my head.

"I'm not going." I huffed, my arms crossed.

"Me too. This is gonna get me into a heap of trouble." Zane added, a look of guilt glinting in his eyes.

"Oh come on you guys?! Live a little!" Jade cooed.

"If I want to live, I don't want to be dead by my parents if they find me partying on a school night." I retorted.

"Exactly." Zane said, taking a mouthfull of his fries.

"Alright you guys be a goodytoeshoes while I have fun in the cool club!"
Did she call me a goodytoeshoes?

"Yes Aura, I did."
Did I just say that out loud?

"Yes, you did." Said Zane.

"Oh." I muttered, abashed.

"Goodytoeshoes, goodytoeshoes, Zane and Aura are a goodytoeshoes." She sang.

"No we are not!" I exclaimed.

"Yes you are!" She teased. She stuck out her tounge as if she were a five year old.

"No we're not!" My voice louder this time.

"Prove it. If you come to the party... I won't see you as a goodytoeshoes." Jade said, grinning evilly.

"I don't think its a good id-"

"Fine! I'll come to this party only to prove to you that I'm not a goodytoeshoes." I announced, cutting off Zane. Zane sighed in defeat.

"Good, see you two at my place at seven. Don't be late."


How exactly am I going to get out of the house without being caught? Ah! I can put my clothes in a bag and change at Jade's place so it does'nt look suspicious or anything.

But what to wear? I walked over to my cuboard, and dug for something decent to wear. After for what seemed like a century, I found the perfect outfit. It's a white sleeve-less top with straps. Its cut into layers, giving it a elegant look. It was attached with three black beaded chains. And a black flower clipped on the edge of the strap. I also took out dark blue jeans that were torn and ripped. To complete the outfit I put a pair of black high heels. Perfect. I folded them neatly in a backpack.

I made my way downstairs, when my mom caught me.

"Where are you going young lady?" She asked, cocking an eyebrow suspicious.

"Just... Going to a friend's house to finish an assignment." I bluffed.

"This late?" She said putting her hands on her hips.

"It's umm... A last minute check before tommorow. It's worth half our grade." I said. There was defeaning silence as Mom glared at me. Crap! She's onto me!

Her gaze softened and I felt my shoulders relax.

"Alright, you can go. Seeing as this is worth half your grade."

And with that, I was free.

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