Chapter 2: Cookies, Cookies Cookies.

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Chapter 2


Urgh! why am I such a clutz?! Well at least I got my cookies, I cant wait to get home and open them.

"Isn't that right babies?" I whispered to the packet of cookies I held in my hands. I imagined them screaming: "Yes! Yes!"

As I stared out the window in the bus, I felt someones eyes on me. I whipped my head round to see who was watching me, but I couldn't see anyone on the bus looking at me. Must of been dreaming it. I shook it off and continued staring out the window.

But as soon as I turned my head, I felt the person's eyes burn deeper on my back, as if they were watching more intensely. Ok, this is getting a bit creepy... I turned my head again, but this time looking more suspicious. Is something wrong with me? Why am I imagining things today? That boy at the store, must of put a curse on me, yep that's what it is. I'm pretty sure it is.

I got off at the bus stop and made my way to home. Cookies, cookies, cookies, cook- there it is again. My breath hitched and I began hyperventilating.

"He-hello?" No answer, except for the constant beating of my heart that was droning in my ears.

I heard a rustle in the bushes, and I ran for it. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, as fast as I ever ran before. I made it to the front door and fumbled with the keys whilst trying to unlock the door. I stumbled into the house and locked the door. I bent over putting my hands to my knees panting heavly. I slid down the door, and sighed in relief as my heart rate and my breathing were steady again.

"What happened to you?" My mom asked eyeing me wearily.

"Oh, um... I was just taking a jog on the way back cus... You know, excersize is important." I lied hoping it was convinsing. She gave me a side look but decided to drop it. I held back a sigh.

Whoever was following me, I knew that it wasn't over yet...

Hey guys, I'm sorry if it was short cus I wanted it to be a cliff hanger and hopefully you will understand that :) and the next chapter, the mystery will be revealed!

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