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"What!?" I yell to my annoying sister as I throw away the blanket off my face.

"Get up, its 7:45am!"

So? Like if I give a damn. I'm probably not going to School today. Yes, I govern myself!

Thinking about it, I finally take the covers off my body and sit on my bed with my feet touching the floor.

I hate School. I even made a little song in my head about it. It goes like... 'I hate School and School doesn't give a damn about me! Can't y'all just understand that we were truly not mean to be?' I hate School so much!

I have already decided that I am not going to college. And I truly hate the fact that people still keep on talking to me like if I am. Well, the truth is that I don't really want to go to college. Even though I hate School, I still want to graduate. But after I graduate, I want to work. And with my earnings little by little build my business or businesses online. Because I won't permit this government to control my money. Nop! It won't happen!

Lazily, I get up and make my way to the bathroom.

In the bathroom I stand still in front of the sink, raising an eyebrow and making a face at the person in the mirror. There is no doubt, I'm a witch! I smirk at my thought. I get closer to the mirror to admire my hidden beauty. Omg look at those eye bags!

Ugh! I feel terrible, like always. Lazily I grab my toothbrush and begin brushing my teeth. Then I turn the hot shower water on and taking  my clothes off, enter the bathtub. The hot water immediately starts to do its magic making me feel great again. I love this. I wish I could stay here for ever. I untie my hair and shake my head bringing my hands to my scalp, massaging it softly.

I quickly try to get all the sope off my body since the water begins to get seriously hot. After getting all the sope off me I turn the water off, wrap my towel around my body and get out.


"Do you work today?" I ask Jennifer, my big sister.

"Yes Rosie, I work today. How many times am I going to tell you? Now get up and get dressed. This can't be possible. We can't be arriving late everyday, you can't be arriving late to School everyday! What is wrong with you?"


Ugh! I sigh covering my sad face with my palms. I've got to do this. Same stupid routine everyday. I hate my life. Oh my God, no! I can't hate my life! But the situation... yes, that is what I hate. The situation. My situation, our situation. How can I hate life? My life?! Life is beautiful, stupid boring routines and bad situations aren't.

Lazily I take my towel off and get dressed as soon as possible. I put on some black jeans, and the Schools T-shirt which is a light baby blue with the Schools Logo on it, then I slip into my vans. I tie my hair into a ponytail and let some curls out. I slip my phone into my pockets, grab a charger and my backpack then run down the stairs and out of the house.

"Hello!" I smile and wave to our neighbor, a probably 40 something year old man.

"How are you?" He smiles back.

"Good, good, good." I answer him, my smile fading as I start to walk into the street.

I take myself off the street and into the concrete path as I think of this beautiful day. This day for sure is beautiful. But it's really up to me to make it truly beautiful.

Cold Springs is actually a very beautiful place. We moved here not long ago. Even though I did wanted to move, I struggled a bit to adapt myself to the place. Is not easy adapting yourself to change. I had to adapt myself to every little and big changes in my life. I won't deny that those small and big changes affected me. But one way or another I had to deal with those changes. Leaving almost the whole family back in Philadelphia to move to Cold Springs, New York with my sister and her kids was and still is a change that just like any other past changes in my life, has had a huge effect in me. But I really wanted to move. Really, really wanted to start new. And since my sister wanted so badly to move from that bad place we were leaving back in Philadelphia, I saw my opportunity.

My opportunity.
To start new.
Where I knew no body.
Where no body knew me.
Yes! Finally.

I could finally be away from the kind of people that disturb my inner peace. But most importantly, I could finally be away from him.

Tucking a strand of hair behind my right ear, I begin to walk faster.


Getting to my destination I finally see him. There he is. Who? The cutie pie that is about to teach me some lessons!
Wink, wink.

Hellooooooooo! Well, it seems that my dear readers have met Rosie! Hi, thanks for reading this far! If you liked the Chapter please like and comment! I swear this next Chapter is going to be hot!

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