The Librarian

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My name is Nightmare. Just Nightmare. I am famously known as one of the guardians of the Tree of Feelings. Funny. Lots of people want to be famous. But I want to be no one. I live in Ebott town where everyone loves my brother Dream (the other guardian of the tree) and loathes me. Why? I'm still not entirely sure. I'm in grade 9 in Ebott secondary school (high school). I love my brother. But...

After years of torment and Hate AND Bullying and Fights that I just can't win AND- *inhale, exhale* you think that you'd get used to it. My brother says I'm a "book warm." I guess that's accurate. If I'm not in school or the tree of feelings then I'm at the town's library.

I walk down the street towards the library. Trying not to get noticed. And failing. Some kids from the school ahead of the path notice me and start walking towards me.

Do I run? Do I keep going? Or do I fight?

I refuse to run this time but I can't fight them all. This is going to hurt. I try to block their attacks but it doesn't help. Next thing I see is black. The too familiar colour of negative emotions. Black and red are the colours of Hate. Red. What a nice colour. It would look great if everyone was covered in red.


Don't think like that.

I wake up in an unfamiliar place with bandages on my chest and head, slightly stained in blood. My own blood. I slowly up, with a sudden head rush I sit back down. I realize that I'm in the library, but in a back room of the library.

How did I get here?

The librarian walks in and smiles when she sees me.

That's something I don't see everyday.

She's a goat monster wearing her usual purple outfit. "Are you alright? I did my best with the bandages but I'm not exactly a doctor. Heh." she says sweetly. I choose to say nothing. Maybe she doesn't actually know who I am, if she finds out then there's no doubt that she'll kick me out. "I... Thank you but I should go now." I try getting up again. My head hurts but I can stand now. "Wait, you should take it easy! Your still hurt." she says as I start walking by. "I'll be fine." I say. She grabs my arm "Nightmare. You should rest!"

She does know me. Then why is she inviting me to stay?

I look back at her "So you do know who I am?" I ask "of course! You come in here almost everyday after all! I am Toriel, care taker of the library. Also known as the librarian. Heh." she smiles. "...Funny. You know me but I only just met you, even though I come here every day." I look down feeling guilty.

Another emotion that I am sworn to protect...

"It's okay. You don't have to feel guilty. Can you please sit down now?" she asks me still smiling. But it's a tired smile. It's sweet and honest but her eyes where tired like mine. Maybe from reading to much, or lack of sleep, or... tired of being sad. Like me.

I sit back down then we talk for hours about our favorite books and other stuff. I've never had a conversation this enjoyable before. I smiled more during that conversation then I have for a long time. Eventually it got dark and I had to go back to Dream.

It was raining. Great...

When I got the the tree it was cold and windy, Dream was already there.

We don't have a house but our home is under the tree of feelings.

We sat closely next to each other to try and keep warm. Thunder and lightning went on through the night still raining and cold. Dream was scared of the thunder and kinda jumped every time it boomed. I got an idea when I looked at the flag around the tree that we made long ago, I took it from the tree and wrapped it around Dream. "Don't be afraid of the lightning, this cape will protect you from everything." I said to him. His eyes started to sparkle at what I said and held it tight.

My brother, so innocent and oblivious. I will protect him from my burden. He doesn't have to know about my problems.

I'd regret that later... Much later.

The first chapter! ✨
Hope you liked it!

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