Have a good Summer

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(The cat is Neil, Jokublogs oc)

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(The cat is Neil, Jokublogs oc)

Rumor is going around about a group of humans terrorizing monsters out of their homes and towns. A bunch of racist assholes basically. Even as the living embodiment of negative emotions I don't understand hating someone just because of their race, skin colour or sexual orientation. I hate everyone whether they're human or monster.

I sat in a chair right outside of Dreams room in the hospital, Toriel had to leave to the library. We haven't been waiting long, just a couple of hours as they use clean the wound and try healing it.

It's a little harder to heal skeletons since it's impossible to use stitches. But there are other ways of healing skeletons.

A nurse opens the door and says it's okay to come in and see him. I get up and walk past the nurse into the room where Dream was in a hospital bed sitting up and looking out the window. I walk in and sit on the bed with him. "Look how high up we are brother!" Dream says excitedly. I look out the window and see the people walking on the streets minding their own business and living their lives.

It's not like its a very big build, but the highest Dream and I have ever been was when we manage to climb to the top of the tree of feelings.

"Ya. cool... How are you feeling?" I ask him. "The doctor says I shouldn't do to much walking or moving around in general for a day or two. But I feel fine!" he answers. "I'm sure the doctor know's what they're talking about. Buuuut that doesn't mean we can't break a couple rules." I smirk in hopes of cheering him up. He laughs and smiles. "You seem happier than usual! Did I miss something?" he asks. "No you didn't miss anything. I feel like I am though..." I say. "Well mother always said to trust your gut." Dream says "even though we don't have any." he jokes. "Heh. Funny." I smile slightly. "You should be more careful." I say. "But being reckless fun!" Dream smiles. "Then be carefully reckless." I say. He laughs "how do I be carefully reckless?" he asks. "Hmm... When you jump or climb, make sure you know where you're going. You're good at archery, think of it like you're aiming befor you let go of the arrow." I explained. He thought bout it for a second then nodded.

A couple days later Dream was as good as new and he played like nothing happened, but I could tell that he was being a little more careful even though he's being reckless.

Summer, no school. Too good to be true? Yes. Dream and I live under a tree so we're always outside, at least we don't have to worry about bad weather. But summer is when all the sporty people are outside preparing for "the big game." Why does it seem like there's always "the big game" coming up?

I am reading a book as I felt a wave of negative emotions from the town, I can tell Dream feels it too. I've had the feeling of something awful about to happen for a week and now it's here. I run to the town and automatically head for the library.

Please be okay. Please be okay...

I see a crowd near the library and push my way through to see what was going on.


"Who's dust is that?!" someone from the crowd asked with fear in their voice. "I think it was that librarian." "the librarian!?"




Who did this?...

Her dust blew away in the wind bit by bit, I just stand there and watch as it slowly blows away. No one in the town knows her personally or knows her family so no one bothered to collect her dust. I grip onto the purple cape around my body and cry silent tears.

Dream eventually found me and explained what happened.

Apparently it was a terrorist attack from the humans that hate monsters. Multiple monsters in the town where killed at the same time, she just happened to be one of them. It wasn't personal, she was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

 It wasn't personal, she was just at the wrong place at the wrong time

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(Don't worry I hate me too 😭)

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