Day #1 - Never Say Never

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"Never say never, unless your name is Never.  Even then you're just a number."


November 17, 2123


It's cold.  Even inside of my office with the lazer heater on full blast the snow somehow finds it way through the little cracks in my windows and underneath the door to chill me to the bone.  I'm wearing two long sleeve shirts, long-johns underneath my sheer black leather pants, my trademark leather trench coat, and oxblood leather gloves with wool gloves underneath.  My shoes are worn out, though they're top notch brand and the three pairs of socks feel like one thin layer.

And I'm still cold.

This is when I wish I still had the UH 3000.  Universal Heater version 3.0.  I haven't had that since last November, when I was stripped of my IPD privileges.  I wish I had a lot of things I used to have when I could afford it... Like the Puroch Transmitter, one of my favourite pieces of technology.  God, I miss that piece of electronical piece of metal junk.

And the Lanc Reverb, don't get me started on that.

"Pretty hot girl,

Cool icy eyes,

You got my heart,

All in one night."

I check my watch before pressing the metallic button implanted behind my right ear.  "G-George, why you callin' so early?" Keeping the cold shiver from my voice was not easy.

"Dude, it's 3 in the afternoon."

I check my watch again and ding on the glass, the digital numbers '11:17' stuck in place.  "Meh, shit."

"Ya, dude, you need to get a better job."

I ignored him and changed the subject.  "And you changed my ringtone, AGAIN?"

"Dude, Elemental Romance is your favourite band, right?"

"George," I answer in a warning voice.  "What do you want?"

"What? Only like 'the' hottest girl is performing tonight at Lino's Ritz.  You comin'?"

"No, I still have a job.  My client's been running me completely dry and I don't get paid the last half until I solve this."

"Oh, that burglary at Elm Street?  That's child's play.  Ya, it's clear.  You need a new job.  And a hot fuck."

"George, get to the point."

"So that hot girl, Ryllie Coral?  She's performin' tonight-"

"I already said no." I said firmly.

"Dude, you didn't see the pics in the mag-net, did you?  Ser'sly?  Just type in code: CLR-1117-2123.  It'll pop up."

"Fine, shut up for a sec." Rolling my eyes I did what George said, pressing the electronic keypad that was the plastic surface of my desk.  A hologram emerged from the electronic dome in the middle of my desk, an image popping up: A robotic woman giving a dull speech with the neon sign 'Lino's Ritz' for her background.

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