Night #1- Never Turn Down A Pretty Lady

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"When a pretty lady makes an offer, you'd be a fool to refuse.  Unless that pretty lady was ugly underneath."



My apartment intercom beeped.  I looked away from Ms. Coral and said, "Excuse me one moment." I went through the same routine with Ms. Coral at my door, and my visitor ending up being exactly who I expected it to be.  The scanner on GMSR can detect stored DNA data, and it beeped in familiarity.

Sheathing my weapon I realized my gloves are still off and sighed, pressing my handprint into the door.  Opening the latch I came face to face with an average height older man with greying hair, scruffy grey clothes, and thick lazer lens glasses, the new IE 2124 model to be exact.  Damn, they're expensive and include infrared vision with a flip of a switch.

"Voice Treddra, ma fav'rite Priveet Eye man," he spoke with a broken southern accent, like there was a glitch in his throat.  "Have ya gott'n anymore info' on who stole ma chaps 'n crex machine?"

I frowned in the negative at my visitor's sharp approach.  I was definitely not prepared to meet my former client while talking with my new one.  In my excitement I had lost track of time and forgotten to call Mr. Burtz and tell him the unfortunate news.  Now he's here, in person, while I still have Ms. Coral over.  I never had to lay off one of my clients, having always pulled through with the solution every time in my fortune, so this was new.  And I didn't know what to say.

"Mr. Burtz, I'm with a guest so if you can excuse me and we can discuss this another time." I chose the apologetic and postponement route.

"No, it's alright, Mr. Tredder." Ms. Coral's figure appeared at my left side, her side view visible to Mr. Burtz.  "I was just leaving, wasn't I?  My appointment with the hairdresser..."

My jaw tightened in disapproval.  I didn't want Ms. Coral to leave yet.  We still had to discuss the details of possibly visiting my old acquaintance in jail, or at least figuring out more about the beer bottle.  "No, Ms. Coral, don't leave, we still have a few moments before your appointment.  Mr. Burtz, I must insist that you visit another time.  You just visited yesterday."

"So what, git?  I'm payin' ya, ain't I?  I need ma fuckin' chaps 'n crex machine bick, man, or I'll ne'er git trust from ma customer's tabs nomore.  So hurry the fuck'p wit yer research."

"Mr. Burtz-"I began but was sordidly cut off.

"Oh, hello, lady Rhyllie Coral!" Mr. Burtz wiggled his eyebrows and gave her a swift look over that made me stifle a grimace.  I knew that he was an 'overtly' flirtatious man and did not want to see his play in action.  "That's some fine body ya got 'n those clothes, or wit'out 'em."

My lips knitted themselves in a growl and I was about to reply acidly when I was cut off yet again.  "Your eyes would do well to look downward, to your own selfish juris-dick-tion, asshole.  Mr. Tredder deserves more respect than the likes of you who put him down without."

I was shocked for a second by Ms. Coral's venomous reply and praised her inwardly until my attention was spun back towards Mr. Burtz.  "Well, well.  Ya got yourself another man, you lil' slut?" He retorted and I felt my teeth grinding with a rise in my temper.  Suddenly I didn't feel so cold.  "What 'nother?  He must be number 200?  What a-"


That was the sickening sound of Mr. Burtz's nose breaking when I punched him good and square with my gloveless fist.  "Piece of shit, get away from my apartment," I shouted at him in raw fury, the blood previously running cold in me now boiling lava.  "Or I'll fuckin' kill you with my bare hands."

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