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Ring! Ring!
Ring! Ri-!

I groaned as I stretched my arm out to get my phone.

"ANnYeOngHAsEyo" I greeted the unkwon person.

"Bro wtf, how the fuck can you even control people when you're still a pubescent boy" Kyungsoo said tsking a little.

"Shut the fuck up, what do you want? Get to the the point" I groaned, spinning around on my chair slightly.

"Okay, damn be patient. For some reason boss wants you, tell me the details after, meet you at the cafe along with the others, K bye cya in hell".

And with that he hung up.

"Tch. Wonder what the boss wants" I said to myself as I got up and got into the corridor, straight to a big ass door and knocked on it.

"Come in" a voice said and I opened the door.

"Sit down" I did as he asked. "so..what's this all about sir?" I questioned. He threw a file on the table, I raised my eyebrow at him and opened the file.

                       Oh Sehun

                               Oh Sehun

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1.83 cm


Older Brother


Jung Taekwoon

Kim Wonshik


- Rapping and dancing

- Chocolate Bubble Tea

- Meat and Sushi

- Black and White

- Action Movies

- Hip-hop music

- Being called handsome


- Does not like spicy tteokbokki

- Being in elevators alone because he's scared

- Doesn't like starting conversations since he's shy

- doesn't like being called cute


Caring, shy but talkative once you get along

Love interests

Gay, hasn't come out to parents yet, only friends.

He likes a bubbly, cute guy who's tidy.

Background info

Oh Sehun grew up in a wealthy family and was homeschooled for most of his life. He stopped being homeschooled in his 11th grade.

Since he was homeschooled he hasn't found any love interests at his highschool and collage since he's quite shy.

His dad Jung Taekwoon couldn't have a child even though he had a womb in his stomach so Sehun was adopted at the age of 13 along with his older brother and they didn't want their surname to be changed. Soon when he was 16, his brother died in a car crash.

Ever since that incident, Sehun finds it even harder to fall in love, he's gay so he's been having trouble finding his soulmate.

I looked back up at boss "what's the plan?" I asked him.

"I want you to shoot him with a love shot and make him fall in love with you" he replied.

"Ah, ok-

wAIT WHAT THE F- uh, ahem..  pardon?" I freaked out. I didn't want to start dating a random stranger that I didn't know, I mean, he's fucking hot and his personality seems cute.. but still.

I don't want to be forced into something I don't want to do especially if it's going to affect not just me but someone else, let alone my FUTURE.

Just because we work under L.S, it doesn't mean we can't fall in love with anyone we feel attracted to. It's so unfair, I gripped onto my jacket, crinkling it a bit and took a deep breath in and out.

"But sir, it isn't fair, I want to fall in love with a person I actually feel attracted to" I protested.

Boss sighed "look, Baekhyun, we need you for this. You're close to his age, plus you'll get to speak and learn more things about him and get closer with each other. Maybe you'll even start feeling something for him, and anyway,  you're gay too" he tried to reason with me.

"Wait, how do you know I'm gay?" I questioned a little shocked. He chuckled "oh Byun Baekhyun, I'm the boss of L.S remember? I'm the most powerful here. I can read your mind whenever I want, where ever I want".

He gave me an evil, eerie smile that looked like Cheshire Cat from Alice in wonderland. That'll definitely appear in my nightmares. I just starred at him, a little shocked and dazed about the news I just received.

"You may go now, after lunch break you meet at the arrow room 4:30 sharp, don't be late".

I walked out of the room and slowly headed to my office, when I arrived there


I shouted in frustration as I ran my hair through my brown locks and gripped on to it making a mess.

"oH, SHUT UP!"

I heard Cha Hakyeon yell at me. The one who's dating that Lee Jaehwan who he FREELY choose to love, which made me more frustrated than I already am.


I shrieked back at Hakyeon.


His goddamn boyfriend yelled back.


I yelled back and slammed my hand on my table. Like, I don't have anything against them and they know that I didn't mean what I said, for fucks sake we're even friends, I'm just frustrated.


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